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Demystifying the growth of superconducting Sr2RuO4 thin films

Cornell Affiliated Author(s)
H.P. Nair
J.P. Ruf
N.J. Schreiber
L. Miao
M.L. Grandon
D.J. Baek
B.H. Goodge
J.P.C. Ruff
L.F. Kourkoutis
K.M. Shen
D.G. Schlom

We report the growth of superconducting Sr2RuO4 thin films by molecular-beam epitaxy on (110) NdGaO3 substrates with transition temperatures of up to 1.8 K. We calculate and experimentally validate a thermodynamic growth window for the adsorption-controlled growth of superconducting Sr2RuO4 epitaxial thin films. The growth window for achieving superconducting Sr2RuO4 thin films is narrow in growth temperature, oxidant pressure, and ruthenium-to-strontium flux ratio. © 2018 Author(s).

APL Materials
Date Published
Funding Source
Group (Lab)
Kyle Shen Group

Enhancing the Performance of Surface Plasmon Resonance Biosensor via Modulation of Electron Density at the Graphene–Gold Interface

Cornell Affiliated Author(s)
K. Chung
J.S. Lee
Eun-Ah Kim
K.-E. Lee
K. Kim
J. Lee
D. Kim
S.O. Kim
S. Jeon
H. Park
D.-W. Kim
D.H. Kim

Surface plasmons at a metal/dielectric interface resonate with incident light, generating an evanescent field at the interface, which is highly sensitive to the change in refractive index of the medium. These characteristics are utilized as the basis for surface plasmon resonance-based sensors with Kretschmann configuration, providing label-free and real-time monitoring of binding interaction between probe and target moieties.

Advanced Materials Interfaces
Date Published
Funding Source
Group (Lab)

Imaging orbital-selective quasiparticles in the Hund’s metal state of FeSe

Cornell Affiliated Author(s)
A. Kostin
P.O. Sprau
A. Kreisel
Y.X. Chong
A.E. Böhmer
P.C. Canfield
P.J. Hirschfeld
B.M. Andersen
J.C.S. Davis

Strong electronic correlations, emerging from the parent Mott insulator phase, are key to copper-based high-temperature superconductivity. By contrast, the parent phase of an iron-based high-temperature superconductor is never a correlated insulator. However, this distinction may be deceptive because Fe has five actived d orbitals while Cu has only one. In theory, such orbital multiplicity can generate a Hund’s metal state, in which alignment of the Fe spins suppresses inter-orbital fluctuations, producing orbitally selective strong correlations.

Nature Materials
Date Published
Group (Lab)
J.C. Seamus Davis Group

Molecular Highways—Navigating Collisions of DNA Motor Proteins

Cornell Affiliated Author(s)
T.T. Le
M.D. Wang

Fundamental biological processes require concurrent sharing of DNA by numerous motor proteins and complexes. Thus, collision, congestion, and roadblocks are inescapable on these busy “molecular highways.†The consequences of these traffic problems are diverse, resulting in complex cellular mechanisms to resolve threats to genome stability and ensure cellular viability. Here, we review the different types of events and the diverse consequences that an RNA polymerase may encounter during transcription.

Journal of Molecular Biology
Date Published
Research Area
Group (Lab)
Michelle Wang Group

Resonant torsion magnetometry in anisotropic quantum materials

Cornell Affiliated Author(s)
K. Modic
Maja Bachmann
B. Ramshaw
Frank Arnold
K. Shirer
Amelia Estry
Jon Betts
Nirmal Ghimire
E. Bauer
Marcus Schmidt
Michael Baenitz
E. Svanidze
Ross McDonald
Arkady Shekhter
Philip Moll

Unusual behavior in quantum materials commonly arises from their effective low-dimensional physics, reflecting the underlying anisotropy in the spin and charge degrees of freedom. Here we introduce the magnetotropic coefficient k = ∂2F/∂θ2, the second derivative of the free energy F with respect to the magnetic field orientation θ in the crystal. We show that the magnetotropic coefficient can be quantitatively determined from a shift in the resonant frequency of a commercially available atomic force microscopy cantilever under magnetic field.

Nature Communications
Date Published
Funding Source
Group (Lab)
Brad Ramshaw Group

Fast, reliable spin-orbit-torque switching in three terminal magnetic tunnel junctions with Hf dusting layer

Cornell Affiliated Author(s)
Robert Buhrman
Shengjie Shi
Yongxi Ou
Daniel Ralph

Since the discovery of the large spin Hall effect in certain heavy metals, there has been continuous interest in utilizing this spin-orbit torque (SOT) effect in constructing a non-volatile memory that can be switched by an electric current. The key to future application of this type of memory is achieving both a short write time and a low write current, which will lower the energy cost compared to existing and other emerging memory technologies.

Conference Name
Date Published
Funding Source

Highly Efficient Spin-Current Generation by the Spin Hall Effect in Au1-xPtx

Cornell Affiliated Author(s)
L. Zhu
D.C. Ralph
Robert Buhrman

We report very efficient spin-current generation by the spin Hall effect in the alloy Au0.25Pt0.75, which, as determined by two different direct spin-orbit torque measurements, exhibits a giant internal spin Hall ratio of ≥0.58 (antidamping spin-orbit torque efficiency of approximately 0.35 in bilayers with Co), a relatively low resistivity of approximately 83 μΩ cm, an exceptionally large spin Hall conductivity of ≥7.0×105Ω-1m-1, and a spin diffusion length of 1.7 nm.

Physical Review Applied
Date Published
Funding Source

Fiber embroidery of self-sensing soft actuators

Cornell Affiliated Author(s)
S. Ceron
Itai Cohen
R.F. Shepherd
J.H. Pikul
C. Harnett

Natural organisms use a combination of contracting muscles and inextensible fibers to transform into controllable shapes, camouflage into their surrounding environment, and catch prey. Replicating these capabilities with engineered materials is challenging because of the difficulty inmanufacturing and controlling soft material actuators with embedded fibers.

Date Published
Funding Source
KSEF-3503- RDE-019
Group (Lab)
Itai Cohen Group

Next generation Nb3Sn cavities for linear accelerators

Cornell Affiliated Author(s)
R.D. Porter
Tomas Arias
P. Cueva
D.L. Hall
M. Liepe
J.T. Maniscalco
D.A. Muller
N. Sitaraman

Niobium-3 Tin (Nb3Sn) is a very promising alternative material for SRF accelerator cavities. The material can achieve higher quality factors, higher temperature operation and potentially higher accelerating gradients (Eacc ˜ 96 MV/m) compared to conventional niobium. This material is formed by vaporizing Sn in a high temperature vacuum furnace and letting the Sn absorb into a Nb substrate to form a 2-3 µm Nb3Sn layer. Current Nb3Sn cavities produced at Cornell achieve Q ˜ 2 · 1010 at 4.2 K and Eacc = 17 MV/m.

Conference Name
Date Published
Funding Source
Group (Lab)
Tomas Arias Group

Solving protein structure from sparse serial microcrystal diffraction data at a storage-ring synchrotron source

Cornell Affiliated Author(s)
T.-Y. Lan
J.L. Wierman
M.W. Tate
H.T. Philipp
J.M. Martin-Garcia
L. Zhu
D. Kissick
P. Fromme
R.F. Fischetti
W. Liu
V. Elser
Sol Gruner

In recent years, the success of serial femtosecond crystallography and the paucity of beamtime at X-ray free-electron lasers have motivated the development of serial microcrystallography experiments at storage-ring synchrotron sources. However, especially at storage-ring sources, if a crystal is too small it will have suffered significant radiation damage before diffracting a sufficient number of X-rays into Bragg peaks for peak-indexing software to determine the crystal orientation. As a consequence, the data frames of small crystals often cannot be indexed and are discarded.

Date Published
Group (Lab)
Sol M. Gruner Group
Veit Elser Group