Director of LASSP: Kyle Shen (532A Clark Hall)
Associate Director of LASSP: Elizabeth Parr (511 Clark Hall)
The primary administrative offices for LASSP are located on the 5th floor of Clark Hall.
For general administration needs or requests: email and a LASSP staff member will help you as soon as possible.
For issues related to the physical spaces in Clark/PSB (e.g.: leaks or other concerns): email
If you're curious about WHO to ask about WHAT in LASSP, a quick guide for who to start with about the most common specific needs is below:
- Clark Hall building needs, including emergencies in labs: Robert Kenyon (office phone 607-255-5079, cell 607-351-3286)
- Financial reporting and guidance: Stacey Depew and Becky Jantz
- Grant proposals (pre-award everything): Pre-Award Research Operations (PRO)
- Grant management (post-award everything): Stacey Depew
- Hosting visitors: Shalinn Starkey
- Human resources: Elizabeth Parr and
- Information technology: Barry Robinson and
- Keys: Robert Kenyon (for Clark Hall) and Tracy Davenport (for PSB)
- LASSP/AEP seminar series and other events: Shalinn Starkey and
- Liquid helium/cryo liquids facility: Jason Spicer
- Machine Shop operations: Rob Page
- Physical Sciences Building needs, including emergencies: Jason Russell
- Purchasing: Rob Sprankle
- Shipping and deliveries: Jason Spicer
- Travel arrangements and reimbursements: see the TRAVEL section in Services for more information
- Website, social media, and other communication-related projects:
More detailed information is already available on individual staff profile pages.
Administrative staff work arrangements are variable; in addition to on-campus availability, all staff are available via Teams, email, and Zoom.
The LASSP Professional Machine Shop, Student Machine Shop, and Stockroom are open – see the Services section for more information. And the Physical Sciences Complex webpage has additional invaluable information: Physical Sciences Complex Facilities Services
If you have any needs that are not apparently addressed, please contact Associate Director Elizabeth Parr