J.C. Seamus Davis
James Gilbert White Distinguished Professor Emeritus
Davis Group research concentrates upon the fundamental physics of electronic, magnetic, atomic and space-time quantum matter. A specialty is development of innovative instrumentation to allow direct visualization (or perception) of characteristic quantum many-body phenomena at atomic scale
Davis Group operates three suites of ultra-low vibration laboratories, one in Clark Hall at Cornell University (US), the second at Kane Building at University College Cork (IE) and a third is at Beecroft Building at Oxford University (UK). The overall objective is to exploit the distinct capabilities and facilities at all laboratories to maximize scientific efficiency.
Ours is as single research group conducting scientifically harmonized studies with complementary scientific instruments at all three locations. Other key components of our program are at the Max Planck Graduate Center for Quantum Materials in Dresden.
We recently introduced nanometer resolution Scanned Josephson Tunneling Microscopy (SJTM), a technique allowing imaging of Cooper-pair tunneling from a superconducting STM tip to the Cooper-pair condensate of a superconductor. The SJTM operates at millikelvin temperatures and sequentially forms an array of 65,500 nanoscale Josephson junctions, whose Josephson critical current Ic is then measured to form the condensate image (Nature 532, 343 (2016)). For the first time in superconductivity research, one can visualize the Cooper-pair condensate itself.
Educational Background
- J.G. White Distinguished Professor Emeritus, Cornell University, NY, 2019-present
- Senior Fellow Wadham College, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK, 2019-present
- Professor of Quantum Physics, University College Cork, Ireland, 2019-present
- Professor of Physics, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK, 2019-present
- Director, DoE, Center for Emergent Superconductivity, 2009-2014
- J.G. White Distinguished Professor, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, 2008-2018
- SUPA Distinguished Professor, St. Andrews University, Scotland, 2007-2018
- Senior Physicist, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY, 2007-2018
- Professor of Physics, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, 2003-2008
- Professor of Physics, University of California, Berkeley, 2000-2002
- Faculty Physicist, L. Berkeley National Laboratory, CA, 1998-2002
- Associate Professor of Physics, University of California, Berkeley, 1998-2000
- Assistant Professor of Physics, University of California, Berkeley, 1993-1997
- Postdoctoral Research Associate, University of California, Berkeley, 1990-1992
- Ph.D. Physics, University of California, Berkeley, 1989
- UCC, National University of Ireland, B.Sc. Physics, 1983