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Erratum to: Self-organization of a human organizer by combined Wnt and Nodal signalling (Nature, (2018), 558, 7708, (132-135), 10.1038/s41586-018-0150-y)

Cornell Affiliated Author(s)
I. Martyn
T.Y. Kanno
A. Ruzo
E.D. Siggia
A.H. Brivanlou

Ref. 7 from Benvenisty and colleagues was inadvertently omitted; this has now been cited in the text and added to the reference list, and subsequent references have been renumbered. The Letter has been corrected online. © 2018, Springer Nature Limited.

Date Published
Research Area

High Photoresponse in Conformally Grown Monolayer MoS2 on a Rugged Substrate

Cornell Affiliated Author(s)
T.K. Nguyen
A.D. Nguyen
C.T. Le
F. Ullah
Z. Tahir
K.-I. Koo
Eun-Ah Kim
D.-W. Kim
J.I. Jang
Y.S. Kim

Conformal growth of atomic-thick semiconductor layers on patterned substrates can boost up the performance of electronic and optoelectronic devices remarkably. However, conformal growth is a very challenging technological task, since the control of the growth processes requires utmost precision. Herein, we report on conformal growth and characterization of monolayer MoS2 on planar, microrugged, and nanorugged SiO2/Si substrates via metal-organic chemical vapor deposition.

ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces
Date Published
Group (Lab)

Vortex Dynamics and Losses Due to Pinning: Dissipation from Trapped Magnetic Flux in Resonant Superconducting Radio-Frequency Cavities

Cornell Affiliated Author(s)
D.B. Liarte
D. Hall
P.N. Koufalis
A. Miyazaki
A. Senanian
M. Liepe
J.P. Sethna

We use a model of vortex dynamics and collective weak-pinning theory to study the residual dissipation due to trapped magnetic flux in a dirty superconductor. Using simple estimates, approximate analytical calculations, and numerical simulations, we make predictions and comparisons with experiments performed in CERN and Cornell on resonant superconducting radio-frequency NbCu, doped-Nb and Nb3Sn cavities.

Physical Review Applied
Date Published
Funding Source
Group (Lab)
James Sethna Group

Interacting Topological Insulators with Synthetic Dimensions

Cornell Affiliated Author(s)
Chao-Ming Jian
Cenke Xu

Recent developments of experimental techniques have given us unprecedented opportunities of studying topological insulators in high dimensions, while some of the dimensions are "synthetic," in the sense that the effective lattice momenta along these synthetic dimensions are controllable periodic tuning parameters. In this work, we study interaction effects on topological insulators with synthetic dimensions.

Physical Review X
Date Published
Funding Source
Group (Lab)
Chao-Ming Jian Group

Information loss under coarse graining: A geometric approach

Cornell Affiliated Author(s)
A. Raju
B.B. Machta
J.P. Sethna

We use information geometry in which the local distance between models measures their distinguishability from data to quantify the flow of information under the renormalization group. We show that information about relevant parameters is preserved with distances along relevant directions maintained under flow. By contrast, irrelevant parameters become less distinguishable under the flow with distances along irrelevant directions contracting according to renormalization group exponents. We develop a covariant formalism to understand the contraction of the model manifold.

Physical Review E
Date Published
Funding Source
Research Area
Group (Lab)
James Sethna Group

Magnetoresistance Scaling Reveals Symmetries of the Strongly Correlated Dynamics in BaFe2 (As1-x Px)2

Cornell Affiliated Author(s)
Ian Hayes
Zeyu Hao
Nikola Maksimovic
Sylvia Lewin
Mun Chan
Ross McDonald
B. J. Ramshaw
Joel Moore
James Analytis

The phenomenon of T-linear resistivity commonly observed in a number of strange metals has been widely seen as evidence for the breakdown of the quasiparticle picture of metals. This study shows that a recently discovered H/T scaling relationship in the magnetoresistance of the strange metal BaFe2(As1-xPx)2 is independent of the relative orientations of current and magnetic field. Rather, its magnitude and form depend only on the orientation of the magnetic field with respect to a single crystallographic axis: the direction perpendicular to the magnetic iron layers.

Physical Review Letters
Date Published
Funding Source
DGE 1106400
Group (Lab)
Brad Ramshaw Group

Chiral spin order in some purported Kitaev spin-liquid compounds

Cornell Affiliated Author(s)
K.A. Modic
B.J. Ramshaw
A. Shekhter
C.M. Varma

We examine recent magnetic torque measurements in two compounds, γ-Li2IrO3 and RuCl3, which have been discussed as possible realizations of the Kitaev model. The analysis of the reported discontinuity in torque, as an external magnetic field is rotated across the c axis in both crystals, suggests that they have a translationally invariant chiral spin order of the form (Si·Sj×Sk)≠0 in the ground state and persisting over a very wide range of magnetic field and temperature.

Physical Review B
Date Published
Group (Lab)
Brad Ramshaw Group

Development of a Fast-Framing X-Ray Camera with Wide Dynamic Range for High-Energy Imaging

Cornell Affiliated Author(s)
K.S. Shanks
H.T. Philipp
M.W. Tate
P. Purohit
Sol Gruner

With upgrades planned at several x-ray light sources, including improvements to beam quality and brilliance at high energies (> 20 keV), corresponding advances in area detector technology are needed. Pixel array detectors (PADs) are one class of detectors that can meet these needs. PADs feature highly customizable CMOS circuitry for signal processing and data streaming, which facilitates high frame rates and the exploration of various dynamic range extension techniques.

Conference Name
Date Published
Funding Source
Group (Lab)
Sol M. Gruner Group

Opportunities and challenges of interlayer exciton control and manipulation

Cornell Affiliated Author(s)
K.F. Mak
J. Shan

Advances in van der Waals heterostructures allow the control of interlayer excitons by electrical and other means, promising exciting opportunities for high-temperature exciton condensation and valley–spin optoelectronics. © 2018, Springer Nature Limited.

Nature Nanotechnology
Date Published
Funding Source
Group (Lab)
Jie Shan Group
Kin Fai Mak Group

Optical Tweezers: A Force to Be Reckoned With

Cornell Affiliated Author(s)
J.L. Killian
F. Ye
M.D. Wang

The 2018 Nobel Prize in Physics has been awarded jointly to Arthur Ashkin for the discovery and development of optical tweezers and their applications to biological systems and to Gérard Mourou and Donna Strickland for the invention of laser chirped pulse amplification. Here we focus on Arthur Ashkin and how his revolutionary work opened a window into the world of molecular mechanics and spurred the rise of single-molecule biophysics.

Date Published
Research Area
Group (Lab)
Michelle Wang Group