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Millisecond mix-and-quench crystallography (MMQX) enables time-resolved studies of PEPCK with remote data collection

Cornell Affiliated Author(s)
J.A. Clinger
D.W. Moreau
M.J. McLeod
T. Holyoak
R.E. Thorne

Time-resolved crystallography of biomolecules in action has advanced rapidly as methods for serial crystallography have improved, but the large number of crystals and the complex experimental infrastructure that are required remain serious obstacles to its widespread application. Here, millisecond mix-and-quench crystallography (MMQX) has been developed, which yields millisecond time-resolved data using far fewer crystals and routine remote synchrotron data collection.

Date Published
Group (Lab)
Robert Thorne Group

Reconstructing cellular automata rules from observations at nonconsecutive times

Cornell Affiliated Author(s)
V. Elser

Recent experiments have shown that a deep neural network can be trained to predict the action of t steps of Conway's Game of Life automaton given millions of examples of this action on random initial states. However, training was never completely successful for t>1, and even when successful, a reconstruction of the elementary rule (t=1) from t>1 data is not within the scope of what the neural network can deliver. We describe an alternative network-like method, based on constraint projections, where this is possible.

Physical Review E
Date Published
Group (Lab)
Veit Elser Group

The influence of chondrocyte source on the manufacturing reproducibility of human tissue engineered cartilage

Cornell Affiliated Author(s)
J.M. Middendorf
N. Diamantides
B. Kim
C. Dugopolski
S. Kennedy
E. Blahut
Itai Cohen
L.J. Bonassar

Multiple human tissue engineered cartilage constructs are showing promise in advanced clinical trials but identifying important measures of manufacturing reproducibility remains a challenge. FDA guidance suggests measuring multiple mechanical properties prior to implantation, because these properties could affect the long term success of the implant. Additionally, these engineered cartilage mechanics could be sensitive to the autologous chondrocyte source, an inherently irregular manufacturing starting material.

Acta Biomaterialia
Date Published
Funding Source
Research Area
Group (Lab)
Itai Cohen Group

THz electrodynamics of mixed-valent YbAl 3 and LuAl 3 thin films

Cornell Affiliated Author(s)
D. Barbalas
S. Chatterjee
D.G. Schlom
K.M. Shen
N.P. Armitage

We present our results from time-domain THz spectroscopy measurements of thin films of mixed-valent YbAl3 and its structural analogue LuAl3. Combined with Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, the extended Drude formalism is utilized to study the quasiparticle scattering rate and effective masses in YbAl3. We find that LuAl3 demonstrates conventional Drude transport whereas at low temperatures YbAl3 demonstrates a renormalized Drude peak and a mid-infrared (MIR) peak in the conductivity, indicative of the formation of a mass-enhanced Fermi liquid (FL).

European Physical Journal B
Date Published
Funding Source
Group (Lab)
Kyle Shen Group

Unveiling the Mechanism of Bulk Spin-Orbit Torques within Chemically Disordered FexPt1-x Single Layers

Cornell Affiliated Author(s)
Lijun Zhu
Daniel Ralph
Robert Buhrman

The recent discovery of spin-orbit torques (SOTs) within magnetic single-layers has attracted attention. However, it remains elusive as to how to understand and how to tune the SOTs. Here, utilizing the single layers of chemically disordered FexPt1-x, the mechanism of the “unexpected†bulk SOTs is unveiled by studying their dependence on the introduction of a controlled vertical composition gradient and temperature. The bulk dampinglike SOT is found to arise from an imbalanced internal spin current that is transversely polarized and independent of the magnetization orientation.

Date Published
Funding Source

Not engaging with problems in the lab: Students' navigation of conflicting data and models

Cornell Affiliated Author(s)
A.M. Phillips
M. Sundstrom
D.G. Wu
N.G. Holmes

With the adoption of instructional laboratories that require students to make their own decisions, there is a need to better understand students' activities as they make sense of their data and decide how to proceed. In particular, understanding when students do not engage productively with unexpected data may provide insights into how to better support students in more open-ended labs. We examine video and audio data from groups within a lab session where students were expected to find data inconsistent with the predictions of two models.

Physical Review Physics Education Research
Date Published
Funding Source
DUE 2000739
Group (Lab)
Natasha Holmes Group

Vanishing nematic order beyond the pseudogap phase in overdoped cuprate superconductors

Cornell Affiliated Author(s)
N.K. Gupta
C. McMahon
R. Sutarto
T. Shi
R. Gong
H.I. Wei
K.M. Shen
F. He
Q. Ma
M. Dragomir
B.D. Gaulin
D.G. Hawthorn

During the last decade, translational and rotational symmetry-breaking phases—density wave order and electronic nematicity—have been established as generic and distinct features of many correlated electron systems, including pnictide and cuprate superconductors. However, in cuprates, the relationship between these electronic symmetry-breaking phases and the enigmatic pseudogap phase remains unclear.

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Date Published
Funding Source
Group (Lab)
Kyle Shen Group

Erratum: Nonlocal pseudopotentials and time-step errors in diffusion Monte Carlo (Journal of Chemical Physics (2021) 154 (214110) DOI: 10.1063/5.0052838)

Cornell Affiliated Author(s)
Tyler Anderson
C. Umrigar

We discovered a programming error and an error in some of the input files, which led us to recommend a reweighting factor that gives a positive and far from optimal time-step error. The reweighting factor in Eq. (9) of the original paper1 should be replaced by Δw=eTeff(S(R))+S(R))/2 With the corrected program and this choice of reweighting factor, we find time-step errors (shown in Figs. 1.4, the updated arXiv version of the paper,1 and the supplementary material), which are similar to the corresponding figures in the paper. For small time steps, they are nearly identical.

Journal of Chemical Physics
Date Published
Group (Lab)
Cyrus Umrigar Group

Resonant Measurement of Nonreorientable Spin-Orbit Torque from a Ferromagnetic Source Layer Accounting for Dynamic Spin Pumping

Cornell Affiliated Author(s)
Joseph Mittelstaedt
Daniel Ralph

Using a multilayer containing a cobalt detector layer, a copper spacer, and a Permalloy source layer, we show experimentally how the nonreorientable spin-orbit torque generated by the Permalloy source layer - the component of spin-orbit torque that does not change when the Permalloy magnetization is rotated - can be measured using spin-torque ferromagnetic resonance (ST FMR) with line-shape analysis.

American Physical Society (APS)
Date Published
Funding Source

Universal features of higher-form symmetries at phase transitions

Cornell Affiliated Author(s)
Xiao-Chuan Wu
Chao-Ming Jian
Cenke Xu

We investigate the behavior of higher-form symmetries at various quantum phase transitions. We consider discrete 1-form symmetries, which can be either part of the generalized concept “categorical symmetry" (labelled as Z-N(1)) introduced recently, or an explicit Z(1) 1-form symmetry.

SciPost Physics
Date Published
Group (Lab)
Chao-Ming Jian Group