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Visualization of avalanches in magnetic thin films: Temporal processing

Cornell Affiliated Author(s)
A. Magni
G. Durin
S. Zapperi
J.P. Sethna

Magneto-optical methods allow us to observe the dynamics of domain wall motion, but this is intrinsically a very noisy process. We discuss a new method allowing us to reduce the measurement noise, taking advantage of the acquisition of a whole temporal sequence of images. The resulting avalanche distributions give interesting hints as to the magnetization dynamics, but are strongly dependent on the size of the observation windows chosen. We investigate the effects of window size by studying finite-size scaling, and use this to extract the fractal dimension critical exponent 1/σν.

Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment
Date Published
Group (Lab)
James Sethna Group

Analysis of combinatorial cis-regulation in synthetic and genomic promoters

Cornell Affiliated Author(s)
J. Gertz
E.D. Siggia
B.A. Cohen

Transcription factor binding sites are being discovered at a rapid pace. It is now necessary to turn attention towards understanding how these sites work in combination to influence gene expression. Quantitative models that accurately predict gene expression from promoter sequence will be a crucial part of solving this problem. Here we present such a model, based on the analysis of synthetic promoter libraries in yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae).

Date Published
Funding Source
Research Area

Twist-stretch coupling and phase transition during DNA supercoiling

Cornell Affiliated Author(s)
M.Y. Sheinin
M.D. Wang

As a single DNA molecule is positively supercoiled under constant tension, its extension initially increases due to a negative twist-stretch coupling. The subsequent attainment of an extension maximum has previously been assumed to be indicative of the onset of a phase transition from B- to scP-DNA. Here we show that an extension maximum in fact does not coincide with the onset of a phase transition. This transition is evidenced by a direct observation of a torque plateau using an angular optical trap.

Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics
Date Published
Research Area
Group (Lab)
Michelle Wang Group

Stirring trapped atoms into fractional quantum Hall puddles

Cornell Affiliated Author(s)
S.K. Baur
K.R.A. Hazzard
E.J. Mueller

We theoretically explore the generation of few-body analogs of fractional quantum Hall states. We consider an array of identical few-atom clusters (n=2,3,4), each cluster trapped at the node of an optical lattice. By temporally varying the amplitude and phase of the trapping lasers, one can introduce a rotating deformation at each site. We analyze protocols for coherently transferring ground-state clusters into highly correlated states, producing theoretical fidelities (probability of reaching the target state) in excess of 99%. © 2008 The American Physical Society.

Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics
Date Published
Funding Source

High temperature electrical resistance of substrate-supported single walled carbon nanotubes

Cornell Affiliated Author(s)
C.T. Avedisian
R.E. Cavicchi
P.M. McEuen
X. Zhou
W.S. Hurst
J.T. Hodges

We report the electrical characteristics of substrate-supported metallic single walled carbon nanotubes at temperatures up to 573 K over a range of bias voltages (Vb) for zero gate voltage in air under atmospheric pressure. Our results show a monotonic increase in resistance with temperature, with an I- Vb characteristic that is linear at high temperature but nonlinear at low temperature.

Applied Physics Letters
Date Published
Group (Lab)
Paul McEuen Group

Temperature dependence of the superheating field for superconductors in the high-κ London limit

Cornell Affiliated Author(s)
G. Catelani
J.P. Sethna

We study the metastability of the superheated Meissner state in type II superconductors with κ≫1 beyond Ginzburg-Landau theory, which is applicable only in the vicinity of the critical temperature. Within Eilenberger's semiclassical approximation, we use the local electrodynamic response of the superconductor to derive a generalized thermodynamic potential valid at any temperature. The stability analysis of this functional yields the temperature dependence of the superheating field.

Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics
Date Published
Funding Source
Research Area
Group (Lab)
James Sethna Group

Bogoliubov angle and visualization of particle-hole mixture in superconductors

Cornell Affiliated Author(s)
I. Grigorenko
K. Fujita
J. Lee
M. Wang
J.C. Davis
H. Eisaki
S. Uchida
A.V. Balatsky

Superconducting excitations-Bogoliubov quasiparticles-are the quantum mechanical mixture of negatively charged electron (-e) and positively charged hole (+e). Depending on the applied voltage bias in scanning tunneling microscope (STM) one can sample the particle and hole content of such a superconducting excitation. Recent STM experiments offer a unique insight into the inner workings of the superconducting state of superconductors. We propose a new observable quantity for STM studies that is the manifestation of the particle-hole dualism of the quasiparticles.

Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids
Date Published
Group (Lab)
J.C. Seamus Davis Group

Graphene as an electronic membrane

Cornell Affiliated Author(s)
Eun-Ah Kim
A.H. Neto

We investigate the membrane aspect of graphene and its impact on the electronic properties. We show that rippling generates spatially varying electrochemical potential that is proportional to the square of the local curvature. This is due to the rehybridization effects and the change in the next-neighbor hopping caused by curvature. We estimate the electrochemical- potential variation associated with the rippling observed in recent scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) to be of order 30 meV. Further we show that the charge inhomogeneity in turn stabilizes ripple formation.

Date Published
Funding Source
Group (Lab)

Quantum Monte Carlo study of the cooperative binding of NO2 to fragment models of carbon nanotubes

Cornell Affiliated Author(s)
John Lawson
Charles Bauschlicher
Julien Toulouse
Claudia Filippi
C.J. Umrigar

Previous calculations on model systems for the cooperative binding of two NO2 molecules to carbon nanotubes using density functional theory and second order Moller-Plesset perturbation theory gave results differing by 30 kcal/mol. Quantum Monte Carlo calculations are performed to study the role of electronic correlations in these systems and resolve the discrepancy between these previous calculations. Compared to QMC binding energies, MP2 and LDA are shown to overbind, while B3LYP and BPW91 underbind.

Chemical Physics Letters
Date Published
Group (Lab)
Cyrus Umrigar Group

Kohn-Sham-like approach toward a classical density-functional theory of inhomogeneous polar molecular liquids: An application to liquid hydrogen chloride

Cornell Affiliated Author(s)
J. Lischner
Tomas Arias

The Gordian knot of density-functional theories for classical molecular liquids remains finding an accurate free-energy functional in terms of the densities of the atomic sites of the molecules. Following Kohn and Sham, we show how to solve this problem by considering noninteracting molecules in a set of effective potentials. This shift in perspective leads to an accurate and computationally tractable description in terms of simple three-dimensional functions.

Physical Review Letters
Date Published
Group (Lab)
Tomas Arias Group