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Temperature dependence of droplet breakup in 8CB and 5CB liquid crystals

Cornell Affiliated Author(s)
D. Porter
J.R. Savage
Itai Cohen
P. Spicer
M. Caggioni

Droplet breakup of many Newtonian fluids is well described by current experiments, theory, and simulations. Breakup in complex fluids where interactions between mesoscopic structural features can affect the flows remains poorly understood and a burgeoning area of research. Here, we report on our investigations of droplet breakup in thermotropic liquid crystals. We investigate breakup in the smectic, nematic, and isotropic phases of 4-cyano 4-octylbiphenyl (8CB) and the nematic and isotropic phases of 4-cyano 4-pentylbiphenyl (5CB).

Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics
Date Published
Group (Lab)
Itai Cohen Group

Approaching chemical accuracy with quantum Monte Carlo

Cornell Affiliated Author(s)
F.R. Petruzielo
J. Toulouse
C.J. Umrigar

A quantum Monte Carlo study of the atomization energies for the G2 set of molecules is presented. Basis size dependence of diffusion Monte Carlo atomization energies is studied with a single determinant Slater-Jastrow trial wavefunction formed from Hartree-Fock orbitals. With the largest basis set, the mean absolute deviation from experimental atomization energies for the G2 set is 3.0 kcal/mol. Optimizing the orbitals within variational Monte Carlo improves the agreement between diffusion Monte Carlo and experiment, reducing the mean absolute deviation to 2.1 kcal/mol.

Journal of Chemical Physics
Date Published
Funding Source
Group (Lab)
Cyrus Umrigar Group

Ultrafast photocurrent measurement of the escape time of electrons and holes from carbon nanotube p-i-n photodiodes

Cornell Affiliated Author(s)
N.M. Gabor
Z. Zhong
K. Bosnick
P.L. McEuen

Ultrafast photocurrent measurements are performed on individual carbon nanotube p-i-n photodiodes. The photocurrent response to subpicosecond pulses separated by a variable time delay Δt shows strong photocurrent suppression when two pulses overlap (Δt=0). The picosecond-scale decay time of photocurrent suppression scales inversely with the applied bias V SD, and is twice as long for photon energy above the second subband E 22 as compared to lower energy. The observed photocurrent behavior is well described by an escape time model that accounts for carrier effective mass.

Physical Review Letters
Date Published
Group (Lab)
Paul McEuen Group

Fracture strength of disordered media: Universality, interactions, and tail asymptotics

Cornell Affiliated Author(s)
C. Manzato
A. Shekhawat
P.K.V.V. Nukala
M.J. Alava
J.P. Sethna
S. Zapperi

We study the asymptotic properties of fracture strength distributions of disordered elastic media by a combination of renormalization group, extreme value theory, and numerical simulation. We investigate the validity of the "weakest-link hypothesis" in the presence of realistic long-ranged interactions in the random fuse model. Numerical simulations indicate that the fracture strength is well-described by the Duxbury-Leath-Beale (DLB) distribution which is shown to flow asymptotically to the Gumbel distribution.

Physical Review Letters
Date Published
Funding Source
Research Area
Group (Lab)
James Sethna Group

Terahertz imaging and time-domain spectroscopy of large-area graphene on silicon

Cornell Affiliated Author(s)
J.L. Tomaino
A.D. Jameson
J. Kevek
M.J. Paul
A.M. Van Der Zande
R.A. Barton
P.L. McEuen
E.D. Minot
Y.-S. Lee

We demonstrate THz imaging and time-domain spectroscopy of a single-layer graphene film. The large-area graphene was grown by chemical vapor deposition on Cu-foil and subsequently transferred to a Si substrate. We took a transmission image of the graphene/Si sample measured by a Si:bolometer (pixel size is 0.4-mm). The graphene film (transmission: 36 - 41%) is clearly resolved against the background of the Si substrate (average transmission: 56.6%). The strong THz absorption by the graphene layer indicates that THz carrier dynamics are dominated by intraband transitions.

Conference Name
Date Published
Funding Source
Group (Lab)
Paul McEuen Group

Non-abelian braiding of lattice bosons

Cornell Affiliated Author(s)
E. Kapit
P. Ginsparg
E. Mueller

We report on a numerical experiment in which we use time-dependent potentials to braid non-Abelian quasiparticles. We consider lattice bosons in a uniform magnetic field within the fractional quantum Hall regime, where ν, the ratio of particles to flux quanta, is near 1/2, 1, or 3/2. We introduce time-dependent potentials which move quasiparticle excitations around one another, explicitly simulating a braiding operation which could implement part of a gate in a quantum computation.

Physical Review Letters
Date Published
Funding Source

Global radiation damage at 300 and 260 K with dose rates approaching 1 MGy s -1

Cornell Affiliated Author(s)
M. Warkentin
R. Badeau
J.B. Hopkins
A.M. Mulichak
L.J. Keefe
R.E. Thorne

Global radiation damage to 19 thaumatin crystals has been measured using dose rates from 3 to 680 kGy s -1. At room temperature damage per unit dose appears to be roughly independent of dose rate, suggesting that the timescales for important damage processes are less than ∼1 s. However, at T = 260 K approximately half of the global damage manifested at dose rates of 10 kGy s -1 can be outrun by collecting data at 680 kGy s -1. Appreciable sample-to-sample variability in global radiation sensitivity at fixed dose rate is observed.

Acta Crystallographica Section D: Biological Crystallography
Date Published
Group (Lab)
Robert Thorne Group

Recent advances in single molecule studies of nucleosomes

Cornell Affiliated Author(s)
J.L. Killian
M. Li
M.Y. Sheinin
M.D. Wang

As the fundamental packing units of DNA in eukaryotes, nucleosomes play a central role in governing DNA accessibility in a variety of cellular processes. Our understanding of the mechanisms underlying this complex regulation has been aided by unique structural and dynamic perspectives offered by single molecule techniques.

Current Opinion in Structural Biology
Date Published
Research Area
Group (Lab)
Michelle Wang Group

Dispersion and wave-function symmetry in cold atoms experiencing artificial gauge fields

Cornell Affiliated Author(s)
Y. Yanay
E. Mueller

We analyze the single-particle quantum mechanics of an atom whose dispersion is modified by spin-orbit coupling to Raman lasers. Such a setup can create a double-well-shaped dispersion, which leads to unusual single-particle physics. We show how this dispersion influences the symmetry of the ground-state wave function in different physical-space potentials, including a square well, a harmonic well, and a double well. © 2012 American Physical Society.

Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics
Date Published
Funding Source