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Past Events

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2:00pm, 416 Physical Sciences Building

Knowledge Structures for Design Problems and Statistical Mechanics

4:00pm, Clark Hall, 700

Elizabeth Villa, Section of Molecular Biology, UC San Diego

Host: Lena Kourkoutis

Opening Windows into the Cell:

Bringing Structure to Cell Biology with Cryo- Electron Tomography

12:20pm, 700 Clark Hall

Title: Single-molecule Approaches in Mechanobiology: From DNA nanoswitches to the Centrifuge Force Microscope


4:00pm, Clark Hall, 700

Itai Cohen, Department of Physics, Cornell University

Host: Biophysics Students

Uncovering the neural architecture for motor control of insect flight

12:20pm, 700 Clark Hall

Help! I Want to Make a Video!

4:00pm, Clark Hall, 700

Ke Xu, College of Chemistry, University of California, Berkeley

Host: Peng Chen

12:20pm, 700 Clark Hall

Dirac Electrons in Kagome Lattice Materials

4:00pm, Clark Hall, 700

Liz Kellogg, Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics, Cornell University

Host: Toshi Kawate

When Life gives you lemons: Cryo-EM of heterogeneous and difficult samples

4:00pm, Clark Hall, 700

Arne Gericke, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Wochester Polytechnic Institute

Host: Gerald Feigenson

Title: TBA

abstract: tba

poster tba

12:20pm, 700 Clark Hall

Hosted by Itai Cohen

Geometrically incompatible confinement of solids