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Past Events

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11:15am, 401 Physical Sciences

Hosted by: Brad Ramshaw and Katja Nowack

Title: Designing topological electronic states on the kagome lattice

4:00pm, Clark Hall, 700

Eleni Katifori, Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Pennsylvania

Host: Itai Cohen

Self-organization in living flow networks

12:00am, 700 Clark Hall

Hosted by James Sethna

Mapping the topology of tuned complex systems

10:10am, 609 Clark Hall, 609

Hosted by Erich Mueller

Title: Topological 0D Defect States in 3D Insulators


10:10am, Physical Sciences Building, 416

Hosted by Erich Mueller

Title: Almost Perfect Metals in One Dimension

4:00pm, 401 Physical Sciences Building

Hosted by Katja Nowack

Title: Probing magnons in quantum Hall ferromagnets

12:20pm, 700 Clark Hall

Hosted by Brad Ramshaw

Chemical Bonds in Square Nets and their Relation to Topology

11:15am, Physical Sciences Building, 416

Hosted by Erich Mueller

Title: Intrinsically Undamped Plasmon Modes in Narrow Electron Bands

10:10am, Clark Hall, 609

Hosted by Erich Mueller

Title: Modeling the pseudogap state in cuprates: quantum disordered pair density wave


4:00pm, Clark Hall, 700

David Jeruzalmi, Chemistry and Biochemistry, The City College of New York

Host: Joshua Chappie

Mechanisms of Opening and Closing of the Bacterial Replicative Helicase