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4:00pm, Clark Hall, 700

David Eliezier, Weill Cornell Medical College

Host: Barbara Baird

Alpha-synuclein and Tau: Structure, Function and Parkinson’s/Alzheimer's disease

4:00pm, Clark Hall, 700

Chris Xu, Professor, School of Applied and Engineering Physics, Cornell University

4:00pm, Clark Hall, 700

Andreas Gahlmann, University of Virginia

Host: Peng Chen

Towards a molecular-level understanding of bacterial type 3 secretion:
Resolving cytosolic complex formation in living cells using 3D single-molecule tracking

4:00pm, Clark Hall, 700

Fred MacKintosh, Departments of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering, Chemistry,
Physics & Astronomy, and the Center for Theoretical Biological Physics, Rice University, Houston, TX USA

Host: Itai Cohen

Phase transitions and the principle of detailed balance in living systems

4:00pm, Clark Hall, 700

David A. Case, Dept. of Chemistry & Chemical Biology, Rutgers University

Host: Lois Pollack

What can we learn from MD simulations of biomolecular crystals?

1:00pm, Physical Sciences Building, 416

Qingkun Liu
Smalyukh Research Group
University of Colorado Boulder

Liquid Crystalline Assembly of Nanomaterials

2:00pm, Physical Sciences Building, 416

Roy Beck-Bartai
Department of Condensed Matter Physics
School of Physics and Astronomy
Tel-Aviv University

11:00am, Physical Sciences Building, 416

Joseph Indekeu
Institute for Theoretical Physics
KU Leuven

BLUES Function Method in Physics

12:20pm, Clark Hall, 700

David Hsieh, Department of Physics, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA, will present seminar. Professor Kyle Shen, host.

Seminar Title: Signatures of a 3D quantum liquid crystal

1:15pm, Clark Hall, 700

Elio König, Department of Physics & Astronomy, Rutgers - The State University of New Jersey, Piscataway, NJ, Professor Erich Mueller, host.

Seminar Title: Quantum field theory of nematic transitions in spin orbit coupled spin-1 polar bosons