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Past Events

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4:30pm, Olin Library, Room 107

It’s been said that there’s nothing more certain than death and taxes. But what factors shape the evolution of taxes and tax policies, and what gives rise to disparities in taxation policy, compliance, and enforcement?

12:20pm, 700 Clark Hall

Title: Multi-Component Superconductivity in Sr2RuO4 is Revealed by Resonant Ultrasound Spectroscopy

11:15am, 401 Physical Sciences

Hosted by: Brad Ramshaw and Katja Nowack

Title: Designing topological electronic states on the kagome lattice

4:00pm, Clark Hall, 700

Eleni Katifori, Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Pennsylvania

Host: Itai Cohen

Self-organization in living flow networks

12:00am, 700 Clark Hall

Hosted by James Sethna

Mapping the topology of tuned complex systems

10:10am, 609 Clark Hall, 609

Hosted by Erich Mueller

Title: Topological 0D Defect States in 3D Insulators


10:10am, Physical Sciences Building, 416

Hosted by Erich Mueller

Title: Almost Perfect Metals in One Dimension

4:00pm, 401 Physical Sciences Building

Hosted by Katja Nowack

Title: Probing magnons in quantum Hall ferromagnets

12:20pm, 700 Clark Hall

Hosted by Brad Ramshaw

Chemical Bonds in Square Nets and their Relation to Topology

11:15am, Physical Sciences Building, 416

Hosted by Erich Mueller

Title: Intrinsically Undamped Plasmon Modes in Narrow Electron Bands