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Transient absorption and photocurrent microscopy show that hot electron supercollisions describe the rate-limiting relaxation step in graphene

Cornell Affiliated Author(s)
M.W. Graham
S.-F. Shi
Z. Wang
D.C. Ralph
J. Park
P.L. McEuen

Using transient absorption (TA) microscopy as a hot electron thermometer, we show that disorder-assisted acoustic-phonon supercollisions (SCs) best describe the rate-limiting relaxation step in graphene over a wide range of lattice temperatures (Tl = 5-300 K), Fermi energies (EF = ± 0.35 eV), and optical probe energies (∼0.3-1.1 eV). Comparison with simultaneously collected transient photocurrent, an independent hot electron thermometer, confirms that the rate-limiting optical and electrical response in graphene are best described by the SC-heat dissipation rate model, H = A(T e3 - Tl3).

Nano Letters
Date Published
Group (Lab)
Paul McEuen Group

High fidelity information processing in folic acid chemotaxis of Dictyostelium amoebae

Cornell Affiliated Author(s)
Igor Segota
Surin Mong
Eitan Neidich
Archana Rachakonda
Catherine Lussenhop
Carl Franck

Living cells depend upon the detection of chemical signals for their existence. Eukaryotic cells can sense a concentration difference as low as a few per cent across their bodies. This process was previously suggested to be limited by the receptor-ligand binding fluctuations. Here, we first determine the chemotaxis response of Dictyostelium cells to static folic acid gradients and show that they can significantly exceed this sensitivity, responding to gradients as shallow as 0.2% across the cell body.

Journal of the Royal Society Interface
Date Published
Funding Source
P01 GM078586
Group (Lab)
Carl Franck Group

Variational study of polarons and bipolarons in a one-dimensional Bose lattice gas in both the superfluid and the Mott-insulator regimes

Cornell Affiliated Author(s)
S. Dutta
E.J. Mueller

We use variational methods to study a spin impurity in a one-dimensional Bose lattice gas. Both in the strongly interacting superfluid regime and in the Mott regime we find that the impurity binds with a hole, forming a polaron. Our calculations for the dispersion of the polaron are consistent with recent experiments by Fukuhara and give a better understanding of their numerical simulations. We find that for sufficiently weak interactions there are ranges of momentum for which the polaron is unstable.

Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics
Date Published
Funding Source

Direct phasing of nanocrystal diffraction

Cornell Affiliated Author(s)
V. Elser

Recent experiments at free-electron laser X-ray sources have been able to resolve the intensity distributions about Bragg peaks in nanocrystals of large biomolecules. Information derived from small shifts in the peak positions augment the Bragg samples of the particle intensity with samples of its gradients. Working on the assumption that the nanocrystal is entirely generated by lattice translations of a particle, an algorithm is developed that reconstructs the particle from intensities and intensity gradients.

Acta Crystallographica Section A: Foundations of Crystallography
Date Published
Funding Source
Group (Lab)
Veit Elser Group

Parameter space compression underlies emergent theories and predictive models

Cornell Affiliated Author(s)
B.B. Machta
R. Chachra
M.K. Transtrum
J.P. Sethna

The microscopically complicated real world exhibits behavior that often yields to simple yet quantitatively accurate descriptions. Predictions are possible despite large uncertainties in microscopic parameters, both in physics and in multiparameter models in other areas of science. We connect the two by analyzing parameter sensitivities in a prototypical continuum theory (diffusion) and at a self-similar critical point (the Ising model).

Date Published
Funding Source
DMR 1005479
DMR 1312160
Group (Lab)
James Sethna Group

Concepts relating magnetic interactions, intertwined electronic orders, and strongly correlated superconductivity

Cornell Affiliated Author(s)
J.C.S. Davis
D.-H. Lee

Unconventional superconductivity (SC) is said to occur when Cooper pair formation is dominated by repulsive electron-electron interactions, so that the symmetry of the pair wave function is other than an isotropic s-wave. The strong, on-site, repulsive electron- electron interactions that are the proximate cause of such SC are more typically drivers of commensurate magnetism. Indeed, it is the suppression of commensurate antiferromagnetism (AF) that usually allows this type of unconventional superconductivity to emerge.

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Date Published
Group (Lab)
J.C. Seamus Davis Group

Controlling the spontaneous emission rate of monolayer MoS2 in a photonic crystal nanocavity

Cornell Affiliated Author(s)
X. Gan
Y. Gao
Fai Mak
X. Yao
R.-J. Shiue
A. Van Der Zande
M.E. Trusheim
F. Hatami
T.F. Heinz
J. Hone
D. Englund

We report on controlling the spontaneous emission (SE) rate of a molybdenum disulfide (MoS2) monolayer coupled with a planar photonic crystal (PPC) nanocavity. Spatially resolved photoluminescence (PL) mapping shows strong variations of emission when the MoS2 monolayer is on the PPC cavity, on the PPC lattice, on the air gap, and on the unpatterned gallium phosphide substrate.

Applied Physics Letters
Date Published
Funding Source
R021 DC012440001
Group (Lab)
Kin Fai Mak Group

Evidence from tunneling spectroscopy for a quasi-one-dimensional origin of superconductivity in Sr2RuO4

Cornell Affiliated Author(s)
I.A. Firmo
S. Lederer
C. Lupien
A.P. Mackenzie
J.C. Davis
S.A. Kivelson

To establish the mechanism of unconventional superconductivity in Sr 2RuO4, a prerequisite is direct information concerning the momentum-space structure of the energy gaps Δi(k), and in particular whether the pairing strength is stronger ("dominant") on the quasi-one-dimensional (α and β) or on the quasi-two-dimensional (γ) Fermi surfaces. We present scanning tunneling microscopy measurements of the density of states spectra in the superconducting state of Sr 2RuO4 for 0.1Tc < T < Tc and analyze them along with published thermodynamic data using a simple phenomenological model.

Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics
Date Published
Group (Lab)
J.C. Seamus Davis Group

Crystal-symmetry preserving Wannier states for fractional Chern insulators

Cornell Affiliated Author(s)
C.-M. Jian
X.-L. Qi

Recently, many numerical evidences of fractional Chern insulator, i.e., the fractional quantum Hall states on lattices, are proposed when a Chern band is partially filled. Some trial wave functions of fractional Chern insulators can be obtained by mapping the fractional quantum Hall wave functions defined in the continuum onto the lattice through the Wannier state representation in which the single particle Landau orbits in the Landau levels are identified with the one-dimensional Wannier states of the Chern bands with Chern number C=1.

Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics
Date Published
Group (Lab)
Chao-Ming Jian Group

Influence of the exchange-correlation potential in methods based on time-dependent density-functional theory

Cornell Affiliated Author(s)
P. Bleiziffer
A. Heßelmann
C. Umrigar
Andreas Görling

Time-dependent density-functional methods are used to compute excitation energies and, via the adiabatic-connection fluctuation-dissipation theorem, ground-state correlation energies of atoms, ions, and the H2 molecule at various bond lengths. Various exchange-correlation potentials vxc and exchange-correlation kernels fxc are tested. Accurate exchange-correlation potentials are found to be essential for getting accurate energies.

Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics
Date Published
Group (Lab)
Cyrus Umrigar Group