Symmetry Control of Unconventional Spin–Orbit Torques in IrO2
Abstract Spin?orbit torques generated by a spin current are key to magnetic switching in spintronic applications. The polarization of the spin current dictates the direction of switching required for energy-efficient devices. Conventionally, the polarizations of these spin currents are restricted to be along a certain direction due to the symmetry of the material allowing only for efficient in-plane magnetic switching.
Superconductivity, Charge Density Wave, and Supersolidity in Flat Bands with a Tunable Quantum Metric
Predicting the fate of an interacting system in the limit where the electronic bandwidth is quenched is often highly nontrivial. The complex interplay between interactions and quantum fluctuations driven by the band geometry can drive competition between various ground states, such as charge density wave order and superconductivity. In this work, we study an electronic model of topologically trivial flat bands with a continuously tunable Fubini-Study metric in the presence of on-site attraction and nearest-neighbor repulsion, using numerically exact quantum Monte Carlo simulations.
Transferring orbital angular momentum to an electron beam reveals toroidal and chiral order
Orbital angular momentum (OAM) and torque transfer play central roles in a wide range of magnetic textures and devices including skyrmions and spin-torque electronics. Analogous topological structures are now also being explored in ferroelectrics, including polarization vortex arrays in ferroelectric/dielectric superlattices. Unlike magnetic toroidal order, electric toroidal order does not couple directly to linear external fields.
A geometrical perspective on development
Cell fate decisions emerge as a consequence of a complex set of gene regulatory networks. Models of these networks are known to have more parameters than data can determine. Recent work, inspired by Waddington's metaphor of a landscape, has instead tried to understand the geometry of gene regulatory networks. Here, we describe recent results on the appropriate mathematical framework for constructing these landscapes. This allows the construction of minimally parameterized models consistent with cell behavior.
Interplay of hidden orbital order and superconductivity in CeCoIn5
Visualizing atomic-orbital degrees of freedom is a frontier challenge in scanned microscopy. Some types of orbital order are virtually imperceptible to normal scattering techniques because they do not reduce the overall crystal lattice symmetry. A good example is dxz/dyz (π,π) orbital order in tetragonal lattices. For enhanced detectability, here we consider the quasiparticle scattering interference (QPI) signature of such (π,π) orbital order in both normal and superconducting phases.
Calorimetric measurement of nuclear spin-lattice relaxation rate in metals
The quasiparticle density of states in correlated and quantum-critical metals directly probes the effect of electronic correlations on the Fermi surface. Measurements of the nuclear spin-lattice relaxation rate provide one such experimental probe of quasiparticle mass through the electronic density of states. By far the most common way of accessing the spin-lattice relaxation rate is via nuclear magnetic resonance and nuclear quadrupole resonance experiments, which require resonant excitation of nuclear spin transitions.
Etoposide promotes DNA loop trapping and barrier formation by topoisomerase II
Etoposide is a broadly employed chemotherapeutic and eukaryotic topoisomerase II poison that stabilizes cleaved DNA intermediates to promote DNA breakage and cytotoxicity. How etoposide perturbs topoisomerase dynamics is not known. Here we investigated the action of etoposide on yeast topoisomerase II, human topoisomerase IIα and human topoisomerase IIβ using several sensitive single-molecule detection methods. Unexpectedly, we found that etoposide induces topoisomerase to trap DNA loops, compacting DNA and restructuring DNA topology.
Graph gauge theory of mobile non-Abelian anyons in a qubit stabilizer code
Stabilizer codes allow for non-local encoding and processing of quantum information. Deformations of stabilizer surface codes introduce new and non-trivial geometry, in particular leading to emergence of long sought after objects known as projective Ising non-Abelian anyons. Braiding of such anyons is a key ingredient of topological quantum computation. We suggest a simple and systematic approach to construct effective unitary protocols for braiding, manipulation and readout of non-Abelian anyons and preparation of their entangled states.
Impact of traditional physics lab instruction on students’ critical thinking skills in a Finnish context
Recent studies have given incentives to physics departments around the world to revise the learning goals of their lab courses to emphasize experimentation skills over reinforcing lecture content. Evaluation instruments have been developed to measure the achievement of learning goals, and one such instrument is the Physics Lab Inventory of Critical thinking (PLIC). The PLIC measures respondents’ ability to evaluate models, evaluate methods, and to suggest the next steps for an investigation.
Instabilities induced by mechanical loading determine the viability of chondrocytes grown on porous scaffolds
Tissue-engineered cartilage constructs have shown promise to treat focal cartilage defects in multiple clinical studies. Notably, products in clinical use or in late-stage clinical trials often utilize porous collagen scaffolds to provide mechanical support and attachment sites for chondrocytes. Under loading, both the local mechanical responses of collagen scaffolds and the corresponding cellular outcomes are poorly understood, despite their wide use.