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Past Events

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4:00pm, Physical Sciences Building, 401

Physics Department Special Seminar, Michael Niemack, NIST/UC Boulder.

4:00pm, Clark Hall, 700

LASSP Seminar by Richard Hennig, Cornell University

1:15pm, Clark Hall, 701

LASSP SPECIAL SEMINAR by Dr. Robert O. Jones, Institute for Solid State Research, Jülich, Germany.

4:00pm, Clark Hall, 700

LASSP Seminar by Matteo Mariantoni, University of California, Santa Barbara

4:00pm, Clark Hall, 700

LASSP Seminar by Wesley Campbell, University of Maryland and National Institute of Standards & Technology

4:00pm, Clark Hall, 700

LASSP Seminar by Ni Ni, Princeton University

10:30am, Clark Hall, 609

Special LASSP Seminar by David Hawthorn, University of Waterloo

4:00pm, Clark Hall, 700

LASSP Seminar by James Williams, Stanford University