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Past Events

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4:00pm, Clark Hall, 700

José Argüello, Professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry at Worcester Polytechnic Institute.

Host: Peng Chen.

Title: "A simple mechanism but complex functional roles for bacterial Cu+-ATPases."

Poster available

4:00pm, Clark Hall, 700

Tom Purdy, JILA, University of Colorado/NIST, Boulder, CO. Presentation title: Quantum Measurements on a Macroscopic Scale. Host: Mukund Vengalattore.

4:00pm, Clark Hall, 700

Efi Efrati from the James Franck Institute in Chicago. Presentation title: Orientation dependent handedness and chiral design. Host: Itai Cohen.

11:30am, Clark Hall, 609

The 2013 Summer LASSP Theory Talks will be Thursdays from June 27th to August 15th.

4:00pm, Clark Hall, 700

Each summer graduate students in Biophysics and related fields present their research at the Biophysics Summer Seminar. Each talk will be 30 minutes. We plan 2 talks per meeting and will meet Wednesdays starting June 26th in Clark 700.

Chair of the series is Prof. Brian Crane.

Speakers by date:


Faculty Welcome

11:00am, Clark Hall, 609

Riccardo Comin from the Department of Physics & Astronomy, University of British Columbia presents:



4:00pm, Physical Sciences Building, 416

Dr. Bin Liu from Brown University, School of Engineering presents: Cell-kinematics and the swimming motility of an individual bacterium.

Host: Itai Cohen.

7:30pm, Rockefeller Hall, Schwartz Auditorium

Actor, director and writer Alan Alda will give a public
lecture on Communicating Science.

3:00pm, Clark Hall, 700

LASSP and A&EP Seminar by Jeremy England, MIT.

4:00pm, Physical Sciences Building, 401

Sergio Grinstein from the University of Toronto gives a talk titled Imaging phagocytosis: receptors, signaling and the cytoskeleton.

Note: location changed to 401 Physical Science Building.