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3:00pm, Physical Sciences Building, 416

Robinjeet Singh, Department of Physics & Astronomy, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA, will present seminar. Professor Mukund Vengalattore, host.

Seminar Title: Calibration of Quantum Noises for advanced LIGO


12:20pm, Clark Hall, 700

Alistair Boettiger, Department of Chemistry & Chemical Biology, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, will present seminar.

Physical principles of genome organization and gene expression

12:20pm, Clark Hall, 700

Sebastian Will, Department of Physics, MIT, Cambridge, MA, will present seminar.

Seminar Title: Ultracold Quantum Matter of Strongly Dipolar Molecules

12:20pm, Clark Hall, 701

Romain Vasseur, Department of Physics, University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, will present seminar.

Seminar Title: Universality far from equilibrium

12:20pm, Clark Hall, 700

Anna Böhmer, Division of Materials Science & Engineering, The Ames Laboratory, Iowa State University, Ames, IA, will present a Physics Department special seminar. Faculty candidate.

Seminar title: Electron-lattice coupling: access to interacting electronic phases

12:20pm, Clark Hall, 700

Brad Ramshaw, Department of Condensed Matter Physics, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM, will present seminar.

Seminar Title: Quantum materials in extreme magnetic fields

12:20pm, Clark Hall, 700

Seminar Guest TBA

12:00pm, Physical Sciences Building, 401

Amin Azizi, PhD Candidate, Department of Materials Sciences & Engineering, Pennsylvania State University, State College, PA, will present seminar. Professor David Mueller, host.

Seminar Title: Two-dimensional Materials Beyond Graphene: Synthesis, Atomic-Scale Characterization, and Applications

12:20pm, Physical Sciences Building, 401

Alexander High, Department of Physics, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA will present seminar. Professor Erich Mueller, host.

Seminar Title: Tailoring the flow of light at the nanoscale with hyperbolic metasurfaces

12:20pm, Clark Hall, 700

Maksym Serbyn, Department of Theoretical Physics, University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, will present seminar. Professor Erich Mueller, host.

Seminar Title: Thermalization and many-body localization in disordered quantum systems