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12:00pm, Clark Hall, 701

Title: Producing Spin Currents with Magnetic Orders

12:00pm, Clark Hall, 701

Title: Observation of disorder-free localization and efficient disorder averaging on a quantum processor

12:20pm, Clark Hall, 700

LASSP & AEP Seminar


A plethora of correlated many-body phases have been reported in flatband graphene systems. However, the dynamics associated with these correlated states, crucial for understanding the underlying physics, remains unexplored.

12:00pm, Clark Hall, 701

Title: Development of Improved Spin-Polarized Electron Photoemission Sources

12:00pm, Clark Hall, 701

Title: Electric Force Microscopy Insights into the Lead Halide Perovskite Photovoltaic Puzzle

12:00pm, Clark Hall, 701

Title: Enhancing accelerator photocathode performance: an epitaxial growth and diffraction analysis approach

12:00pm, Clark Hall, 701

Title: Cross-Section Measurement and In Situ Pulse Characterization for Three-Photon Microscopy

12:00pm, Clark Hall, 247

Title: Structural and magnetic characterization of 2D van der Waals materials using STEM