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Past Events: 2021

Full listing


Hosted by: Mark Okpanachi Akubo

Title: Investigative Science Learning Environment (ISLE): When Learning Physics Mirrors Doing Physics


Hosted by:

Guillaume Lambert - Miles Rouches - "A Plasmid System with Tunable Copy Number"

Matthew Paszek - Steven Park - "Mucin barriers: a cancer defense shield for immune cell evasion?"

12:20pm, 700 Clark Hall

Hosted by: Kyle Shen

Title: Ultrafast Electron Diffraction @ Cornell: A tool for studying materials driven far from equilibrium


Hosted by: Frank Wise

Title: Using Light to Control Electrons That In Turn Creates New Light



Informal seminar series on latest quantum theory development by up and coming


Hosted by: Yuxin Mao (Qing Zhang ) & Brian Crane (Shi Feng)

Qing Zhang Title: Investigation of the molecular mechanisms of adaptor-mediated ubiquitination by the Nedd4-Family Ubiquitin Ligase Rsp5/Pub1

Shi Feng Title: Cutting cancer off from its favorite food: Structural basis of glutaminase inhibition.

12:20pm, 700 Clark Hall

Hosted by: David Muller

Title: Breaking Speed and Resolution Limitations of AFM


High-speed atomic force microscopy (HS-AFM) is a powerful technique that provides dynamic movies of biomolecules at work [1].

12:20pm, 700 Clark Hall

Host: Brad Ramshaw

Title: Anisotropic g-factor for field-temperature competition in CeCoIn5 revealed by `resonant calorimeter spectroscopy’