Breadcrumb Home Upcoming Events Past Events Past Events: 2018 Full listing Biophysics Colloquium with Ed Lyman Mar 14 4:00pm, Physical Sciences Building, 401 Rescheduled to March 14th Ed Lyman, University of Delaware Host: Gerald Feigenson Identifying Loci of Cholesterol Interaction on Integral Membrane Proteins by Molecular Simulation LASSP and A&EP SEMINAR Mar 13 12:00am, Clark Hall, 700 Philip Moll, Physics of Quantum Materials, Max Planck Institute for Chemical Phisics of Solids, Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, München, will present seminar. Professor Brand Ramshaw, host. Seminar Title: Hydrodynamic flow of electrons Biophysics Colloquium with Haiyuan Yu Feb 28 4:00pm, Clark Hall, 700 Haiyuan Yu, Cornell University Host: Gerald Feigenson Structural proteomics modeling through machine learning and its application in genomics Teaching and Learning Reading Group Presentation Feb 28 1:00pm, Clark Hall, 309 Dr. Colleen Countryman, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Ithaca College, Ithaca, NY, will present seminar. Professor Natasha Holmes, host. Presentation Title: The Development and Assessment of MyTech: A Mobile Laboratory App LASSP and A&EP SEMINAR Feb 27 12:20pm, Clark Hall, 700 Sol Gruner, Laboratory of Atomic and Solid State Physics, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, will present seminar. Professor Brad Ramshaw, host. Seminar Title: Biomolecules Under Pressure LASSP and A&EP SEMINAR Feb 13 12:20pm, Clark Hall, 700 AEP SEARCH, Monica Allen, Urbanek Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Applied Physics, Stanford University, Professor David Muller, host. Seminar Title: Visualizing and manipulting electrons in topological matertials LASSP and A&EP SEMINAR Feb 06 12:20pm, Clark Hall, 700 AEP SEARCH, Javier Sanchez-Yamagishi, Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Physics, Harvard University, Porfessor David Muller, host. Seminar Title: Current instability in a driven 2d electron liquid probed by nanoscale magnetometry LASSP and A&EP SEMINAR Jan 30 12:20pm, Clark Hall, 700 NO LASSP and A&EP SEMINAR TODAY - Next seminar is schedule for Tues., Feb. 6th. Pagination First page « First Previous page ‹‹ Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4