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Past Events: 2017

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12:20pm, Clark Hall, 700

Mukund Vengalattore, LASSP, Cornell University, will present seminar. Carl Franck, host.

Seminar Title: Universal critical behavior of open quantum systems

4:00pm, Clark Hall, 700


Lauren Jackson, Vanderbilt University

Host: Chris Fromme

Molecular mechanisms of coat assembly in membrane trafficking pathways

12:20pm, Clark Hall, 700

Michael Stevens, Explosives Science and Shock Physics Division, LANL, will present seminar. Professor Sol Gruner, host.

Seminar Title: Current Directions in Time Dependent Mesoscale Materials Science using Modern Light Sources

4:00pm, Clark Hall, 700

Jon Huibregtse, University of Texas - Austin

Host: Yuxin Mao

Double Duty: The ISG15 Ubiquitin-like Protein in Innate Immune Responses

12:20pm, Clark Hall, 700

Jesse H. Goldberg, Department of Neurobiology, Cornell University, will present seminar. Professor Carl Franck, host.

Seminar Title: Signals and circuits underlying performance evaluation in singing birds

4:00pm, Clark Hall, 700

Lu Bai, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Penn State University

Host: Michelle Wang

Identification and functional study of nucleosome-depleting factors

12:20pm, Clark Hall, 700

Professor Kyle Shen, Laboratory of Atomic and Solid State Physics, Cornell University, will present seminar. Professor Carl Franck, host.

Seminar Title: Shedding Light on Quantum Materials

4:00pm, Clark Hall, 700

Adam Hall, Virginia Tech - Wake Forest

Host: Iwijn De Vlaminck

Novel detection strategies for disease biomarkers using nanotechnology

12:20pm, Clark Hall, 700

Heather Lewandowski, Department of Physics, University of Colorado Boulder, will present seminar. Professor Natasha Holmes, host.

Seminar Title: Engaging Students in Authentic Scientific Practices in Physics Lab Courses

12:20pm, Clark Hall, 700

Yi (Frank) Zhang, Department of the Laboratory of Atomic and Solid State Physics, Cornell University, will present seminar. Professor Carl Franck, host.

Seminar Title: Quantum Loop Topography for machine learning

Subtitle: On topological phase, phase transitions, and beyond