Mie resonance-mediated antireflection effects of Si nanocone arrays fabricated on 8-in. wafers using a nanoimprint technique
Mie resonance-mediated antireflection effects of Si nanocone arrays fabricated on 8-in. wafers using a nanoimprint technique. Nanoscale Research Letters. 2015;10(1).
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SiNx layers on nanostructured Si solar cells: Effective for optical absorption and carrier collection. Applied Physics Letters. 2015;107(15).
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Superconducting proximity effect in topological metals
Superconducting proximity effect in topological metals. Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 2014;90(21).
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Nematic and spin-charge orders driven by hole-doping a charge-transfer insulator. New Journal of Physics. 2014;16.
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