Universal Quantum Computing with Field-Mediated Unruh&mdash DeWitt Qubits
A set of universal quantum gates is a vital part of the theory of quantum computing, but is absent in the developing theory of Relativistic Quantum Information (RQI). Yet, the Unruh--DeWitt (UDW) detector formalism can be elevated to unitary gates between qubits and quantum fields and has allowed RQI applications in quantum Shannon theory, such as mutual information, coherent information, and quantum capacity in field-mediated quantum channels.
Topology shared between classical metamaterials and interacting superconductors
Supersymmetry has been studied at a linear level between normal modes of metamaterials described by rigidity matrices and non-interacting quantum Hamiltonians. The connection between classical and quantum was made through the matrices involved in each problem. Recently, insight into the behavior of nonlinear mechanical systems was found by defining topological indices via the Poincaré-Hopf index. It turns out, because of the mathematical similarity, this topological index shows a way to approach supersymmetric quantum theory from classical mechanics.
Fermi surface transformation at the pseudogap critical point of a cuprate superconductor
The nature of the pseudogap phase remains a major puzzle in our understanding of cuprate high-temperature superconductivity. Whether or not this metallic phase is defined by any of the reported broken symmetries, the topology of its Fermi surface remains a fundamental open question. Here we use angle-dependent magnetoresistance (ADMR) to measure the Fermi surface of the La1.6–xNd0.4SrxCuO4 cuprate. Outside the pseudogap phase, we fit the ADMR data and extract a Fermi surface geometry that is in excellent agreement with angle-resolved photoemission data.
Topology in Nonlinear Mechanical Systems
Many advancements have been made in the field of topological mechanics. The majority of the work, however, concerns the topological invariant in a linear theory. In this Letter, we present a generic prescription to define topological indices that accommodates nonlinear effects in mechanical systems without taking any approximation. Invoking the tools of differential geometry, a Z-valued quantity in terms of a topological index in differential geometry known as the Poincaré-Hopf index, which features the topological invariant of nonlinear zero modes (ZMs), is predicted.
Scale-invariant magnetic anisotropy in RuCl3 at high magnetic fields
In RuCl3, inelastic neutron scattering and Raman spectroscopy reveal a continuum of non-spin-wave excitations that persists to high temperature, suggesting the presence of a spin liquid state on a honeycomb lattice. In the context of the Kitaev model, finite magnetic fields introduce interactions between the elementary excitations, and thus the effects of high magnetic fields that are comparable to the spin-exchange energy scale must be explored.
Two-dimensional magnetic monopole gas in an oxide heterostructure
Magnetic monopoles have been proposed as emergent quasiparticles in pyrochlore spin ice compounds. However, unlike semiconductors and two-dimensional electron gases where the charge degree of freedom can be actively controlled by chemical doping, interface modulation, and electrostatic gating, there is as of yet no analogue of these effects for emergent magnetic monopoles. To date, all experimental investigations have been limited to large ensembles comprised of equal numbers of monopoles and antimonopoles in bulk crystals.
Evidence for a vestigial nematic state in the cuprate pseudogap phase
The CuO2 antiferromagnetic insulator is transformed by hole-doping into an exotic quantum fluid usually referred to as the pseudogap (PG) phase. Its defining characteristic is a strong suppression of the electronic density-of-states D(E) for energies jEj < Δ*, where Δ* is the PG energy. Unanticipated broken-symmetry phases have been detected by a wide variety of techniques in the PG regime, most significantly a finite-Q density-wave (DW) state and a Q = 0 nematic (NE) state.
Magnetic field-induced pair density wave state in the cuprate vortex halo
High magnetic fields suppress cuprate superconductivity to reveal an unusual density wave (DW) state coexisting with unexplained quantum oscillations. Although routinely labeled a charge density wave (CDW), this DWstate could actually be an electron-pair density wave (PDW). To search for evidence of a field-induced PDW, we visualized modulations in the density of electronic states N(r) within the halo surrounding Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8 vortex cores.
Quantum dimer models emerging from large-spin ultracold atoms
We propose an experimental protocol for using cold atoms to create and probe quantum dimer models, thereby exploring the Pauling-Anderson vision of a macroscopic collection of resonating bonds. This process can allow the study of exotic crystalline phases, fractionalization, topological spin liquids, and the relationship between resonating dimers and superconductivity subjects which have been challenging to address in solid-state experiments.
Quantum Spin Liquid Intertwining Nematic and Superconducting Order in Fese
Despite its seemingly simple composition and structure, the pairing mechanism of FeSe remains an open problem due to several striking phenomena. Among them are nematic order without magnetic order, nodeless gap and unusual inelastic neutron spectra with a broad continuum, and gap anisotropy consistent with orbital selection of unknown origin. Here we propose a microscopic description of a nematic quantum spin liquid that reproduces key features of neutron spectra. We then study how the spin fluctuations of the local moments lead to pairing within a spin-fermion model.