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Topological Mechanics of Origami and Kirigami

Cornell Affiliated Author(s)
B.G.-G. Chen
B. Liu
A.A. Evans
J. Paulose
Itai Cohen
V. Vitelli
C.D. Santangelo

Origami and kirigami have emerged as potential tools for the design of mechanical metamaterials whose properties such as curvature, Poisson ratio, and existence of metastable states can be tuned using purely geometric criteria. A major obstacle to exploiting this property is the scarcity of tools to identify and program the flexibility of fold patterns. We exploit a recent connection between spring networks and quantum topological states to design origami with localized folding motions at boundaries and study them both experimentally and theoretically.

Physical Review Letters
Date Published
Funding Source
Group (Lab)
Itai Cohen Group

Relating microstructure and particle-level stress in colloidal crystals under increased confinement

Cornell Affiliated Author(s)
N.Y.C. Lin
Itai Cohen

The mechanical properties of crystalline materials can be substantially modified under confinement. Such modified macroscopic properties are usually governed by the altered microstructures and internal stress fields. Here, we use a parallel plate geometry to apply a quasi-static squeeze flow crushing a colloidal polycrystal while simultaneously imaging it with confocal microscopy. The confocal images are used to quantify the local structure order and, in conjunction with Stress Assessment from Local Structural Anisotropy (SALSA), determine the stress at the single-particle scale.

Soft Matter
Date Published
Funding Source
Group (Lab)
Itai Cohen Group

Visualization, coarsening, and flow dynamics of focal conic domains in simulated smectic- A liquid crystals

Cornell Affiliated Author(s)
D.B. Liarte
M. Bierbaum
M. Zhang
B.D. Leahy
Itai Cohen
J.P. Sethna

Smectic liquid crystals vividly illustrate the subtle interplay of broken translational and orientational symmetries, by exhibiting defect structures forming geometrically perfect confocal ellipses and hyperbolas. Here, we develop and numerically implement an effective theory to study the dynamics of focal conic domains in smectic-A liquid crystals. We use the information about the smectic's structure and energy density provided by our simulations to develop several novel visualization tools for the focal conics.

Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics
Date Published
Research Area
Group (Lab)
Itai Cohen Group
James Sethna Group

Hydrodynamic and Contact Contributions to Continuous Shear Thickening in Colloidal Suspensions

Cornell Affiliated Author(s)
N.Y.C. Lin
B.M. Guy
M. Hermes
C. Ness
J. Sun
W.C.K. Poon
Itai Cohen

Shear thickening is a widespread phenomenon in suspension flow that, despite sustained study, is still the subject of much debate. The longstanding view that shear thickening is due to hydrodynamic clusters has been challenged by recent theory and simulations suggesting that contact forces dominate, not only in discontinuous, but also in continuous shear thickening. Here, we settle this dispute using shear reversal experiments on micron-sized silica and latex particles to measure directly the hydrodynamic and contact force contributions to shear thickening.

Physical Review Letters
Date Published
Funding Source
Group (Lab)
Itai Cohen Group

Elastoviscous transitions of articular cartilage reveal a mechanism of synergy between lubricin and hyaluronic acid

Cornell Affiliated Author(s)
E.D. Bonnevie
D. Galesso
C. Secchieri
Itai Cohen
L.J. Bonassar

When lubricated by synovial fluid, articular cartilage provides some of the lowest friction coefficients found in nature. While it is known that macromolecular constituents of synovial fluid provide it with its lubricating ability, it is not fully understood how two of the main molecules, lubricin and hyaluronic acid, lubricate and interact with one another. Here, we develop a novel framework for cartilage lubrication based on the elastoviscous transition to show that lubricin and hyaluronic acid lubricate by distinct mechanisms.

Date Published
Funding Source
Group (Lab)
Itai Cohen Group

How grow-and-switch gravitropism generates root coiling and root waving growth responses in Medicago truncatula

Cornell Affiliated Author(s)
T.H. Tan
J.L. Silverberg
D.S. Floss
M.J. Harrison
C.L. Henley
Itai Cohen

Experimental studies show that plant root morphologies can vary widely from straight gravity-aligned primary roots to fractal-like root architectures. However, the opaqueness of soil makes it difficult to observe how environmental factors modulate these patterns. Here, we combine a transparent hydrogel growth medium with a custom built 3D laser scanner to directly image the morphology of Medicago truncatula primary roots. In our experiments, root growth is obstructed by an inclined plane in the growth medium.

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Date Published
Funding Source
Research Area
Group (Lab)
Itai Cohen Group

Geometrically controlled snapping transitions in shells with curved creases

Cornell Affiliated Author(s)
N.P. Bende
A.A. Evans
S. Innes-Gold
L.A. Marin
Itai Cohen
R.C. Hayward
C.D. Santangelo

Curvature and mechanics are intimately connected for thin materials, and this coupling between geometry and physical properties is readily seen in folded structures from intestinal villi and pollen grains to wrinkled membranes and programmable metamaterials. While the well-known rules and mechanisms behind folding a flat surface have been used to create deployable structures and shape transformable materials, folding of curved shells is still not fundamentally understood.

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Date Published
Funding Source
Group (Lab)
Itai Cohen Group

Measuring microscale strain fields in articular cartilage during rapid impact reveals thresholds for chondrocyte death and a protective role for the superficial layer

Cornell Affiliated Author(s)
L.R. Bartell
L.A. Fortier
L.J. Bonassar
Itai Cohen

Articular cartilage is a heterogeneous soft tissue that dissipates and distributes loads in mammalian joints. Though robust, cartilage is susceptible to damage from loading at high rates or magnitudes. Such injurious loads have been implicated in degenerative changes, including chronic osteoarthritis (OA), which remains a leading cause of disability in developed nations. Despite decades of research, mechanisms of OA initiation after trauma remain poorly understood.

Journal of Biomechanics
Date Published
Funding Source
Research Area
Group (Lab)
Itai Cohen Group

Wing-pitch modulation in maneuvering fruit flies is explained by an interplay between aerodynamics and a torsional spring

Cornell Affiliated Author(s)
T. Beatus
Itai Cohen

While the wing kinematics of many flapping insects have been well characterized, understanding the underlying sensory, neural, and physiological mechanisms that determine these kinematics is still a challenge. Two main difficulties in understanding the physiological mechanisms arise from the complexity of the interaction between a flapping wing and its own unsteady flow, as well as the intricate mechanics of the insect wing hinge, which is among the most complicated joints in the animal kingdom. These difficulties call for the application of reduced-order approaches.

Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics
Date Published
Funding Source
Research Area
Group (Lab)
Itai Cohen Group

Mechanical characterization of matrix-induced autologous chondrocyte implantation (MACI®) grafts in an equine model at 53 weeks

Cornell Affiliated Author(s)
D.J. Griffin
E.D. Bonnevie
D.J. Lachowsky
J.C.A. Hart
H.D. Sparks
N. Moran
G. Matthews
A.J. Nixon
Itai Cohen
L.J. Bonassar

There has been much interest in using autologous chondrocytes in combination with scaffold materials to aid in cartilage repair. In the present study, a total of 27 animals were used to compare the performance of matrix-assisted chondrocyte implantation (MACI®) using a collagen sponge as a chondrocyte delivery vehicle, the sponge membrane alone, and empty controls.

Journal of Biomechanics
Date Published
Research Area
Group (Lab)
Itai Cohen Group