Coherent Superconductivity with a Large Gap Ratio from Incoherent Metals
A mysterious incoherent metallic (IM) normal state with T-linear resistivity is ubiquitous among strongly correlated superconductors. Recent progress with microscopic models exhibiting IM transport has presented the opportunity for us to study new models that exhibit direct transitions into a superconducting state out of IM states within the framework of connected Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev "quantum dots." Here, local Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev interactions within a dot produce IM transport in the normal state, while local attractive interactions drive superconductivity.
Topological superconductivity in metal/quantum-spin-ice heterostructures
We propose a strategy to achieve an unconventional superconductor in a heterostructure: use a quantum paramagnet (QPM) as a substrate for heterostructure growth of metallic films to design exotic superconductors. The proposed setup allows us to "customize" electron-electron interaction imprinted on the metallic layer. The QPM material of our choice is quantum spin ice. Assuming the metallic layer forms a single isotropic Fermi pocket, we predict its coupling to spin fluctuations in quantum spin ice will drive topological odd-parity pairing.
Nematic fluctuations balancing the zoo of phases in half-filled quantum Hall systems
Half-filled Landau levels form a zoo of strongly correlated phases. These include non-Fermi-liquids (NFLs), fractional quantum Hall (FQH) states, nematic phases, and FQH nematic phases. This diversity begs the following question: what keeps the balance between the seemingly unrelated phases? The answer is elusive because the Halperin-Lee-Read description that offers a natural departure point is inherently strongly coupled. However, the observed nematic phases suggest that nematic fluctuations play an important role.
Commensurate 4a0-period charge density modulations throughout the Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+xpseudogap regime
Theories based upon strong real space (r-space) electron-electron interactions have long predicted that unidirectional charge density modulations (CDMs) with four-unit-cell (4a0) periodicity should occur in the hole-doped cuprate Mott insulator (MI). Experimentally, however, increasing the hole density p is reported to cause the conventionally defined wavevector QA of the CDM to evolve continuously as if driven primarily by momentum-space (k-space) effects. Here we introduce phase-resolved electronic structure visualization for determination of the cuprate CDM wavevector.
Observation of semilocalized dispersive states in the strongly correlated electron-doped ferromagnet Eu1-xGdx O
Chemical substitution plays a key role in controlling the electronic and magnetic properties of complex materials. For instance, in EuO, carrier doping can induce a spin-polarized metallic state and colossal magnetoresistance, and significantly enhance the Curie temperature. Here, we employ a combination of molecular-beam epitaxy, angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy, and an effective model calculation to investigate and understand how semilocalized states evolve in lightly electron-doped Eu1-xGdxO above the ferromagnetic Curie temperature.
Detection of a Cooper-pair density wave in Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+x
The quantum condensate of Cooper pairs forming a superconductor was originally conceived as being translationally invariant. In theory, however, pairs can exist with finite momentum Q, thus generating a state with a spatially modulated Cooper-pair density. Such a state has been created in ultracold 6 Li gas but never observed directly in any superconductor. It is now widely hypothesized that the pseudogap phase of the copper oxide superconductors contains such a 'pair density wave' state.
Atomic-scale electronic structure of the cuprate d-symmetry form factor density wave state
Research on high-temperature superconducting cuprates is at present focused on identifying the relationship between the classic 'pseudogap'phenomenon and the more recently investigated density wave state. This state is generally characterized by a wavevector Q parallel to the planar Cu-O-Cu bonds along with a predominantly d-symmetry form factor (dFF-DW).
Anomalous scaling of the penetration depth in nodal superconductors
Recent findings of anomalous superlinear scaling of low-temperature (T) penetration depth (PD) in several nodal superconductors near putative quantum critical points suggest that the low-temperature PD can be a useful probe of quantum critical fluctuations in a superconductor. On the other hand, cuprates, which are poster child nodal superconductors, have not shown any such anomalous scaling of PD, despite growing evidence of quantum critical points (QCP). Then it is natural to ask when and how can quantum critical fluctuations cause anomalous scaling of PD?
Nematic and spin-charge orders driven by hole-doping a charge-transfer insulator
Recent experimental discoveries have brought a diverse set of broken symmetry states to the center stage of research on cuprate superconductors. Here, we focus on a thematic understanding of the diverse phenomenology by exploring a strong-coupling mechanism of symmetry breaking driven by frustration of antiferromagnetic (AFM) order. We achieve this through a variational study of a three-band model of the CuO2 plane with Kondo type exchange couplings between doped oxygen holes and classical copper spins.
Direct phase-sensitive identification of a d-form factor density wave in underdoped cuprates
The identity of the fundamental broken symmetry (if any) in the underdoped cuprates is unresolved. However, evidence has been accumulating that this state may be an unconventional density wave. Here we carry out site-specific measurements within each CuO2 unit cell, segregating the results into three separate electronic structure images containing only the Cu sites [Cu(r)] and only the x/y axis O sites [Ox (r) and Oy( r)]. Phase-resolved Fourier analysis reveals directly that the modulations in the Ox(r) and Oy(r) sublattice images consistently exhibit a relative phase of π.