Research resources
Getting Started in PER - A series of articles introducing relevant research methods and topics from getting started with qualitative research to an introduction to Classical Test Theory for designing multiple-choice assessments.
Learning Statistics with R - Recommended reading for learning stats while learning R
R for Data Science - Another great statistics in R resource
Making posters - video about rethinking conference posters
Teaching resources
PhysPort - The go-to place for physics faculty to find resources based on physics education research (PER) to support your teaching. Includes teaching strategies, expert recommendations, assessments, and even online workshops.
SQILabs - The Scaffolded Quantitative Inquiry Labs resources and teaching materials for promoting critical thinking in physics laboratory courses.
PhET simulations - The PhET Interactive Simulations project at the University of Colorado Boulder creates free interactive math and science simulations.
PER Graduate fellowships
Ford Foundation Fellowship Program - Research-based fields of education are eligible if the major field of study is listed above and is used to describe the Ph.D. or Sc.D. program of the applicant (e.g., sociology of education, anthropology and education).
NSF Graduate Research Fellowship - "STEM Education and Learning" listed with a specific deadline