Prior Trainees:
- Tom Chou, postdoc, Faculty BioMathematics, UCLA
- John Marko, postdoc RU fellow, Faculty Biology&Physics Northwestern
- Herve Isambert, postdoc, Faculty, Institute Curie, Paris
- Nicholas Socci, postdoc, Sloan Kettering in Comp Bio
- Harmen Bussemaker, postdoc, Faculty (& Dept Chair!), Biology Columbia
- Hao Li, RU fellow, Faculty, Biochemistry, UCSF
- Peter Swain, postdoc, Faculty, Systems Biology, Edinburgh
- Nikolas Rajewsky, postdoc, Faculty, Max Delbruck Center, Berlin
- Eldon Emberly, postdoc, Faculty, Physics SFU
- Saurabh Sinha, postdoc, Faculty Computer Science, U Ill
- (Martin Ligr), postdoc (with Fred Cross also)
- Erik van Nimwegen, RU fellow, Faculty, Biozentrum, Basel
- Rahul Siddharthan, postdoc, Faculty, Inst. Math. Sci., Chennai
- (Jamie Bean), student (with Fred Cross), MSK ??
- Paul Francois, postdoc, Faculty McGill Physics and Univ of Montreal ??
- Michael Mwangi, student, Cornell & RU, (with A. Tomasz + postdoc), private sector
- Stefano Di Talia, student (with Fred Cross), Postdoc with Wieschaus, Faculty Duke
- Jan Skotheim, postdoc (with Fred Cross), Stanford Biology Faculty
- Gilles Charvin, postdoc (with Fred Cross), CNRS, Strassbourg ??
- Lucy Bai, postdoc (with Fred Cross), Faculty Biology Penn State.
- Alexandre Morozov, postdoc, Rutgers Physics Faculty
- Benoit Sorre, postdoc (with Ali Brivanlou) CNRS, Inst. Curie Paris
- Aryeh Warmflash postdoc (with Ali Brivanlou) Faculty Biology Rice University
- Iain Martyn, student (with Ali Brivanlou) Postdoc USCF with W. Lim
- Phil Kidd, student Cornell & RU (with Mike Young) Postdoc with Cori Bargmann
- Anna Yoney, student (with Ali Brivanlou) Postdoc Columbia with K. Baldwin & M. Przeworski
- Fred Etoc, postdoc (with Ali Brivanlou) CSO Rumi Scientific, startup.
- Jacob Metzger, postdoc (with Ali Brivanlou) Faculty Max Delbruck Center
- Mijo Simunovic, Simons Fellow (with Ali Brivanlou) Faculty Chem Engr Columbia
- (Clayton Schwartz), postdoc (with Kat Hadjantonakis) private sector
- Shyr-Shea Chang, postdoc (with Zhirong Bao) private sector
- Archishman Raju, RU fellow, Faculty NCBS Bangalore
- Manon Valey, postdoc (with Ali Brivanlou) postdoc Dresden