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Minimal Fractional Topological Insulator in half-filled conjugate moiré Chern bands

Cornell Affiliated Author(s)
Chao-Ming Jian
Cenke Xu

We propose a "minimal" fractional topological insulator (mFTI), motivated by the recent experimental report on the signatures of FTI at total filling factor νtot=3 in a transition metal dichalcogenide (TMD) moiré system. The observed FTI at νtot=3 is likely given by a topological state living in a pair of half-filled conjugate Chern bands with Chern numbers C=±1 on top of another pair of fully-filled conjugate Chern bands. We propose the mFTI as a strong candidate topological state in the half-filled conjugate Chern bands.

arXiv e-prints
Date Published
Group (Lab)
Chao-Ming Jian Group

Tapestry of dualities in decohered quantum error correction codes

Cornell Affiliated Author(s)
Kaixiang Su
Zhou Yang
Chao-Ming Jian

Quantum error correction (QEC) codes protect quantum information from errors due to decoherence. Many of them also serve as prototypical models for exotic topological quantum matters. Investigating the behavior of the QEC codes under decoherence sheds light on not only the codes' robustness against errors but also new out-of-equilibrium quantum phases driven by decoherence. The phase transitions, including the error threshold, of the decohered QEC codes can be probed by the systems' Rényi entropies SR with different Rényi indices R.

arXiv e-prints
Date Published
Group (Lab)
Chao-Ming Jian Group

Realizing a tunable honeycomb lattice in ABBA-stacked twisted double bilayer WSe2

Cornell Affiliated Author(s)
Haining Pan
Eun-Ah Kim
Chao-Ming Jian

The ideal honeycomb lattice, featuring sublattice and SU(2) spin rotation symmetries, is a fundamental model for investigating quantum matters with topology and correlations. With the rise of the moiré-based design of model systems, realizing a tunable and symmetric honeycomb lattice system with a narrow bandwidth can open access to new phases and insights. We propose the ABBA-stacked twisted double bilayer WSe2 as a realistic and tunable platform for reaching this goal.

Physical Review Research
Date Published
Group (Lab)
Chao-Ming Jian Group

Realizing a tunable honeycomb lattice in ABBA-stacked twisted double bilayer WSe2

Cornell Affiliated Author(s)
H. Pan
E.-A. Kim
C.-M. Jian

The ideal honeycomb lattice, featuring sublattice and SU(2) spin rotation symmetries, is a fundamental model for investigating quantum matter with topology and correlations. With the rise of the moiré-based design of model systems, realizing a tunable and symmetric honeycomb lattice system with a narrow bandwidth can open access to new phases and insights. We propose the ABBA-stacked twisted double bilayer WSe2 as a realistic and tunable platform for reaching this goal. Adjusting the twist angle allows the bandwidth and the ratio between hopping parameters of different ranges to be tuned.

Physical Review Research
Date Published
Group (Lab)
Chao-Ming Jian Group

Disorder Operator and Renyi Entanglement Entropy of Symmetric Mass Generation

Cornell Affiliated Author(s)
Zi Liu
Yuan Da Liao
Gaopei Pan
Menghan Song
Jiarui Zhao
Weilun Jiang
Chao-Ming Jian
Yi-Zhuang You
Fakher Assaad
Zi Meng
Cenke Xu

In recent years a consensus has gradually been reached that the previously proposed deconfined quantum critical point (DQCP) for spin-1/2 systems, an archetypal example of quantum phase transition beyond the classic Landau's paradigm, actually does not correspond to a true unitary conformal field theory (CFT). In this work we carefully investigate another type of quantum phase transition supposedly beyond the similar classic paradigm, the so called ``symmetric mass generation" (SMG) transition proposed in recent years.

arXiv e-prints
Date Published
Group (Lab)
Chao-Ming Jian Group

Entanglement in a one-dimensional critical state after measurements

Cornell Affiliated Author(s)
Zhou Yang
Dan Mao
Chao-Ming Jian

The entanglement entropy (EE) of the ground state of a one-dimensional Hamiltonian at criticality has a universal logarithmic scaling with a prefactor given by the central charge c of the underlying 1+1d conformal field theory. When the system is probed by measurements, the entanglement in the critical ground state is inevitably affected due to wavefunction collapse. In this paper, we study the effect of weak measurements on the entanglement scaling in the ground state of the one-dimensional critical transverse-field Ising model.

Date Published
Group (Lab)
Chao-Ming Jian Group

Quantum Criticality Under Decoherence or Weak Measurement

Cornell Affiliated Author(s)
J.Y. Lee
C.-M. Jian
C. Xu

Decoherence inevitably happens when a quantum state is exposed to its environment, which can affect quantum critical points (QCPs) in a nontrivial way. As was pointed out in the recent literature on (1+1)d conformal field theory (CFT) [Garratt et al. Measurements conspire nonlocally to restructure critical quantum states, arXiv:2207.09476 (2022)], the effect of weak measurement can be mathematically mapped to the problem of boundary CFT. In this work, we focus on the (2+1)d QCPs, whose boundary and defect effects have attracted enormous theoretical and numerical interests very recently.

PRX Quantum
Date Published
Group (Lab)
Chao-Ming Jian Group

Loops in 4+1d topological phases

Cornell Affiliated Author(s)
X. Chen
A. Dua
P.-S. Hsin
C.-M. Jian
W. Shirley
C. Xu

2+1d topological phases are well characterized by the fusion rules and braiding/exchange statistics of fractional point excitations. In 4+1d, some topological phases contain only fractional loop excitations. What kind of loop statistics exist? We study the 4+1d gauge theory with 2-form Z2 gauge field (the loop-only toric code) and find that while braiding statistics between two different types of loops can be nontrivial, the self ‘exchange’ statistics are all trivial.

SciPost Physics
Date Published
Group (Lab)
Chao-Ming Jian Group

Higher-form Symmetries under Weak Measurement

Cornell Affiliated Author(s)
Kaixiang Su
Nayan Myerson-Jain
Chong Wang
Chao-Ming Jian
Cenke Xu

We aim to address the following question: if we start with a quantum state with a spontaneously broken higher-form symmetry, what is the fate of the system under weak local quantum measurements? We demonstrate that under certain conditions, a phase transition can be driven by weak measurements, which suppresses the spontaneous breaking of the 1-form symmetry and weakens the 1-form symmetry charge fluctuation.

arXiv e-prints
Date Published
Group (Lab)
Chao-Ming Jian Group