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Absence of pressure-driven supersolid flow at low frequency

Cornell Affiliated Author(s)
A.S.C. Rittner
W. Choi
E.J. Mueller
J.D. Reppy

We apply a low-frequency (mHz) ac pressure gradient to a sample of solid helium in order to search for a superfluidlike response. Our results are consistent with zero supersolid flow. Through a statistical analysis of our data, we set a bound on the rate of mass flow between two chambers, and hence the mass current density j. At the 68% confidence level, we bound v≡j/Ï≤9.6× 10-4 nm/s for the mass transport velocity. In terms of a simple model for the supersolid, we find an upper bound of 8.4× 10-6 for the supersolid fraction at 25 mK, at this same confidence level.

Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics
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Theory of the normal-superfluid interface in population-imbalanced Fermi gases

Cornell Affiliated Author(s)
S.K. Baur
S. Basu
T.N. De Silva
E.J. Mueller

We present a series of theoretical studies of the boundary between a superfluid and a normal region in a partially polarized gas of strongly interacting fermions. We present mean-field estimates of the surface energy in this boundary as a function of temperature and scattering length. We discuss the structure of the domain wall, and use a previously introduced phenomonological model to study its influence on experimental observables.

Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics
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Commensurability and hysteretic evolution of vortex configurations in rotating optical lattices

Cornell Affiliated Author(s)
D.S. Goldbaum
E.J. Mueller

We present a theoretical study of vortices within a harmonically trapped Bose-Einstein condensate in a rotating optical lattice. Due to the competition between vortex-vortex interactions and pinning to the optical lattice, we find a very complicated energy landscape, which leads to hysteretic evolution. The qualitative structure of the vortex configurations depends on the commensurability between the vortex density and the site density-with regular lattices when these are commensurate and the appearance of ringlike structures when they are not.

Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics
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Anomalous spin segregation in a weakly interacting two-component Fermi gas

Cornell Affiliated Author(s)
S.S. Natu
E.J. Mueller

We explain the spin segregation seen at Duke in a two-component gas of L6 i [X. Du, L. Luo, B. Clancy, and J. E. Thomas, Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 150401 (2008)] as a mean-field effect describable via a collisionless Boltzmann equation. As seen in experiments, we find that slight differences in the trapping potentials in the two spin states drive small spin currents. The Hartree-Fock-type interactions convert these currents into a redistribution of populations in energy space, and consequently a long-lived spin texture develops.

Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics
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Vortices near the Mott phase of a trapped Bose-Einstein condensate

Cornell Affiliated Author(s)
D.S. Goldbaum
E.J. Mueller

We present a theoretical study of vortices within a harmonically trapped Bose-Einstein condensate in a rotating optical lattice. We find that proximity to the Mott insulating state dramatically affects the vortex structures. To illustrate, we give examples in which the vortices (i) all sit at a fixed distance from the center of the trap, forming a ring, or (ii) coalesce at the center of the trap, forming a giant vortex. We also model time-of-flight expansion. © 2009 The American Physical Society.

Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics
Date Published
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Stirring trapped atoms into fractional quantum Hall puddles

Cornell Affiliated Author(s)
S.K. Baur
K.R.A. Hazzard
E.J. Mueller

We theoretically explore the generation of few-body analogs of fractional quantum Hall states. We consider an array of identical few-atom clusters (n=2,3,4), each cluster trapped at the node of an optical lattice. By temporally varying the amplitude and phase of the trapping lasers, one can introduce a rotating deformation at each site. We analyze protocols for coherently transferring ground-state clusters into highly correlated states, producing theoretical fidelities (probability of reaching the target state) in excess of 99%. © 2008 The American Physical Society.

Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics
Date Published
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Stability of bosonic atomic and molecular condensates near a Feshbach resonance

Cornell Affiliated Author(s)
S. Basu
E.J. Mueller

We explore the Bose condensed phases of an atomic gas on the molecular side of a Feshbach resonance. In the absence of atom-molecule and molecule-molecule scattering, we show that the atomic condensate is either a saddle point of the free energy with energy always exceeding that of the molecular condensate, or has a negative compressibility (hence unstable to density fluctuations). Therefore no phase transition occurs between the atomic and molecular condensates.

Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics
Date Published
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Influence of film-mediated interactions on the microwave and radio frequency spectrum of spin-polarized hydrogen on helium films

Cornell Affiliated Author(s)
K.R.A. Hazzard
E.J. Mueller

We argue that helium film-mediated hydrogen-hydrogen interactions strongly reduce the magnitude of cold collision shifts in spin-polarized hydrogen adsorbed on a helium film. With plausible assumptions about experimental parameters this can explain (i) the 2 orders of magnitude discrepancy between previous theory and recent experiments and (ii) the anomalous dependence of the cold collision frequency shifts on the film's He3 covering.

Physical Review Letters
Date Published
Funding Source

Generic features of the spectrum of trapped polarized fermions

Cornell Affiliated Author(s)
E.J. Mueller

We show that bimodal radio frequency spectra universally arise at intermediate temperatures in models of strongly interacting trapped Fermi gases. The bimodality is independent of superfluidity or pseudogap physics, depending only on the functional form of the equation of state-which is constrained by dimensional analysis at low temperatures and the virial expansion at high temperatures.

Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics
Date Published
Funding Source