Ultrafast radiographic imaging and tracking: An overview of instruments, methods, data, and applications
Ultrafast radiographic imaging and tracking (U-RadIT) use state-of-the-art ionizing particle and light sources to experimentally study sub-nanosecond transients or dynamic processes in physics, chemistry, biology, geology, materials science and other fields.
Considerations about future hard x-ray area detectors
X-ray sources continue to advance in both intensity and temporal domains, thereby opening new ways to analyze the structure and properties of matter, provided that the resultant x-ray images can be efficiently and quantitatively recorded. In this perspective we focus on specific limitations of pixel area x-ray detectors. Although pixel area x-ray detectors have also advanced in recent years, many experiments are still detector limited.
Multi-scale time-resolved electron diffraction: A case study in moiré materials
Ultrafast-optical-pump — structural-probe measurements, including ultrafast electron and x-ray scattering, provide direct experimental access to the fundamental timescales of atomic motion, and are thus foundational techniques for studying matter out of equilibrium. High-performance detectors are needed in scattering experiments to obtain maximum scientific value from every probe particle.
Transferring orbital angular momentum to an electron beam reveals toroidal and chiral order
Orbital angular momentum (OAM) and torque transfer play central roles in a wide range of magnetic textures and devices including skyrmions and spin-torque electronics. Analogous topological structures are now also being explored in ferroelectrics, including polarization vortex arrays in ferroelectric/dielectric superlattices. Unlike magnetic toroidal order, electric toroidal order does not couple directly to linear external fields.
High spatial resolution direct conversion amorphous selenium X-ray detectors with monolithically integrated CMOS readout
Recent progress in the field of micron-scale spatial resolution direct conversion X-ray detectors for high-energy synchrotron light sources serve applications ranging from nondestructive and noninvasive microscopy techniques which provide insight into the structure and morphology of crystals, to medical diagnostic measurement devices. Amorphous selenium (a-Se) as a wide-bandgap thermally evaporated photoconductor exhibits ultra-low thermal generation rates for dark carriers and has been extensively used in X-ray medical imaging.
Very-High Dynamic Range, 10,000 Frames/Second Pixel Array Detector for Electron Microscopy
Precision and accuracy of quantitative scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) methods such as ptychography, and the mapping of electric, magnetic, and strain fields depend on the dose. Reasonable acquisition time requires high beam current and the ability to quantitatively detect both large and minute changes in signal. A new hybrid pixel array detector (PAD), the second-generation Electron Microscope Pixel Array Detector (EMPAD-G2), addresses this challenge by advancing the technology of a previous generation PAD, the EMPAD.
Characterization of 128 × 128 MM-PAD-2.1 ASIC: A fast framing hard x-ray detector with high dynamic range
We characterize a new x-ray Mixed-Mode Pixel Array Detector (MM-PAD-2.1) Application Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC). Using an integrating pixel front-end with dynamic charge removal architecture, the MM-PAD-2.1 ASIC extends the maximum measurable x-ray signal (in 20 keV photon units) to > 107 x-rays/pixel/frame while maintaining a low read noise across the full dynamic range, all while imaging continuously at a frame rate of up to 10 kHz.
Characterization of a small-scale prototype detector with wide dynamic range for time-resolved high-energy X-ray applications
We present characterization measurements of a fast-framing, wide-dynamic-range x-ray area detector intended for high-energy applications (≥20-keV photons). The MM-PAD-2.1 combines an integrating pixel front-end with a charge-removal mechanism to extend the maximum measurable signal to >107 20-keV ph/pixel/frame. The charge-removal mechanism is dead-time-less (i.e., incoming signal continues to be integrated by the front-end while charge removal is taking place) up to an incoming photon rate of >109 20-keV ph/pix/s.
Patternable Mesoporous Thin Film Quantum Materials via Block Copolymer Self-Assembly: An Emergent Technology?
Recent developments in quantum materials hold promise for revolutionizing energy and information technologies. The use of soft matter self-assembly, for example, by employing block copolymers (BCPs) as structure directing or templating agents, offers facile pathways toward quantum metamaterials with highly tunable mesostructures via scalable solution processing.
Superconducting Quantum Metamaterials from Convergence of Soft and Hard Condensed Matter Science
Superconducting quantum metamaterials are expected to exhibit a variety of novel properties, but have been a major challenge to prepare as a result of the lack of appropriate synthetic routes to high-quality materials. Here, the discovery of synthesis routes to block copolymer (BCP) self-assembly-directed niobium nitrides and carbonitrides is described. The resulting materials exhibit unusual structure retention even at temperatures as high as 1000 °C and resulting critical temperature, Tc, values comparable to their bulk analogues.