Effects of protein-crystal hydration and temperature on side-chain conformational heterogeneity in monoclinic lysozyme crystals
The modulation of main-chain and side-chain conformational heterogeneity and solvent structure in monoclinic lysozyme crystals by dehydration (related to water activity) and temperature is examined. Decreasing the relative humidity (from 99 to 11%) and decreasing the temperature both lead to contraction of the unit cell, to an increased area of crystal contacts and to remodeling of primarily contact and solvent-exposed residues. Both lead to the depopulation of some minor side-chain conformers and to the generation of new conformations. Sidechain modifications and main-chain r.m.s.d.s associated with cooling from 298 to 100 K depend on relative humidity and are minimized at 85% relative humidity (r.h.). Dehydration from 99 to 93% r.h. and cooling from 298 to 100 K result in a comparable number of remodeled residues, with dehydration-induced remodeling somewhat more likely to arise from contact interactions. When scaled to equivalent temperatures based on unit-cell contraction, the evolution of sidechain order parameters with dehydration shows generally similar features to those observed on cooling to T = 100 K. These results illuminate the qualitative and quantitative similarities between structural perturbations induced by modest dehydration, which routinely occurs in samples prepared for 298 and 100 K data collection, and cryocooling. Differences between these perturbations in terms of energy landscapes and occupancies, and implications for variabletemperature crystallography between 180 and 298 K, are discussed. It is also noted that remodeling of a key lysozyme active-site residue by dehydration, which is associated with a radical decrease in the enzymatic activity of lysozyme powder, arises due to a steric clash with the residue of a symmetry mate. © 2018, Wiley-Blackwell. All rights reserved.