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Single-molecule perspectives on helicase mechanisms and functions

Cornell Affiliated Author(s)


B. Sun
M.D. Wang


Helicases are a diverse group of molecular motors that utilize energy derived from the hydrolysis of nucleoside triphosphates (NTPs) to unwind and translocate along nucleic acids. These enzymes play critical roles in nearly all aspects of nucleic acid metabolism, and consequently, a detailed understanding of helicase mechanisms at the molecular level is essential. Over the past few decades, single-molecule techniques, such as optical tweezers, magnetic tweezers, laminar flow, fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET), and DNA curtains, have proved to be powerful tools to investigate the functional properties of both DNA and RNA helicases. These approaches allow researchers to manipulate single helicase molecules, perturb their free energy landscape to probe the chemo-mechanical activities of these motors, and to detect the conformational changes of helicases during unwinding. Furthermore, these techniques also provide the capability to distinguish helicase heterogeneity and monitor helicase motion at nanometer spatial and millisecond temporal resolutions, ultimately providing new insights into the mechanisms that could not be resolved by ensemble assays. This review outlines the single-molecule techniques that have been utilized for measurements of helicase activities and discusses helicase mechanisms with a focus on functional and mechanistic insights revealed through single-molecule investigations in the past five years. © 2015 Taylor and Francis.

Date Published


Critical Reviews in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology





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Group (Lab)

Michelle Wang Group

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