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The Chd1 chromatin remodeler can sense both entry and exit sides of the nucleosome

Cornell Affiliated Author(s)


I.M. Nodelman
K.C. Horvath
R.F. Levendosky
J. Winger
R. Ren
A. Patel
M. Li
M.D. Wang
E. Roberts
G.D. Bowman


Chromatin remodelers are essential for establishing and maintaining the placement of nucleosomes along genomic DNA. Yet how chromatin remodelers recognize and respond to distinct chromatin environments surrounding nucleosomes is poorly understood. Here, we use Lac repressor as a tool to probe how a DNA-bound factor influences action of the Chd1 remodeler. We show that Chd1 preferentially shifts nucleosomes away from Lac repressor, demonstrating that a DNA-bound factor defines a barrier for nucleosome positioning. Rather than an absolute block in sliding, the barrier effect was achieved by altered rates of nucleosome sliding that biased redistribution of nucleosomes away from the bound Lac repressor site. Remarkably, in addition to slower sliding toward the LacO site, the presence of Lac repressor also stimulated sliding in the opposite direction. These experiments therefore demonstrate that Chd1 responds to the presence of a bound protein on both entry and exit sides of the nucleosome. This sensitivity to both sides of the nucleosome allows for a faster and sharper response than would be possible by responding to only the entry side, and we speculate that dual entry/exit sensitivity is also important for regularly spaced nucleosome arrays generated by Chd1 and the related ISWI remodelers. © 2016 The Author(s). Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Nucleic Acids Research.

Date Published


Nucleic Acids Research





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Group (Lab)

Michelle Wang Group

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