Erratum: Mfd Dynamically Regulates Transcription via a Release and Catch-Up Mechanism (Cell (2018) 172(1-2) (344–357.e15)(S0092867417313648)(10.1016/j.cell.2017.11.017))
(Cell 172, 344–357.e1–e7; January 11, 2018) Our paper reported a mechanism where E. coli transcription-coupled repair factor Mfd utilizes DNA translocation to dynamically regulate transcription. We have identified three minor errors in the manuscript. The first error is located in the Results section, in the paragraph entitled “Mfd Translocates on Its Own.†The sentence originally read: “If the translocase moves toward the fork, dsDNA is unzipped, whereas if the translocase moves away from the fork, dsDNA is rezipped.†However, it should read: “If the translocase moves away from the fork, dsDNA is unzipped, whereas if the translocase moves toward the fork, dsDNA is rezipped.†The second text error is located in the legend of Figure 5A: “See also Figure S6.†should read “See also Figure S5.†Finally, an incorrect grant number is listed in the Acknowledgements; grant number MCB-0820293 should be MCB-1517764. These errors have now been corrected in the online version of the paper. We apologize for any inconvenience they may have caused to the readers. © 2018 Elsevier Inc.