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Sense of agency, gender, and students’ perception in open-ended physics labs

Cornell Affiliated Author(s)


Z.Y. Kalender
M. Stein
N.G. Holmes


. Instructional physics labs are critical junctures for many STEM majors to develop an understanding of experimentation in the sciences. Students can acquire useful experimental skills and grow their identities as scientists. However, many traditionally-instructed labs do not necessarily involve authentic physics experimentation features in their curricula. Recent research calls for a reformation in undergraduate labs to incorporate more student agency and choice in the learning processes. In our institution, we have adopted open-ended lab teaching in the introductory physics courses. By using reformed curricula that provide higher student agency, we analyzed approximately 100 students in the introductory-level lab courses to examine their views towards the open-ended physics labs. Between the start and the end of the semester, we found a statistically significant shift in students’ perceptions about the agency afforded in lab activities. We also examined students’ responses to "Which lab unit was your favorite and why?". The analysis showed that majority of the students preferred Project Lab, which had the highest student agency and coding analysis showed that "freedom" was the most frequent response for students’ reason for picking Project Lab. Finally, we also examined student views across gender and found no significant gender effect on students’ sense of agency. © 2020, American Association of Physics Teachers. All rights reserved.

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Natasha Holmes Group

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