Entanglement clustering for ground-stateable quantum many-body states
Despite their fundamental importance in dictating the quantum-mechanical properties of a system, ground states of many-body local quantum Hamiltonians form a set of measure zero in the many-body Hilbert space. Hence determining whether a given many-body quantum state is ground-stateable is a challenging task. Here we propose an unsupervised machine learning approach, dubbed Entanglement Clustering ("EntanCl"), to separate out ground-stateable wave functions from those that must be excited-state wave functions using entanglement structure information. EntanCl uses snapshots of an ensemble of swap operators as input and projects these high-dimensional data to two dimensions, preserving important topological features of the data associated with distinct entanglement structure using the uniform manifold approximation and projection. The projected data are then clustered using K-means clustering with k=2. By applying EntanCl to two examples, a one-dimensional free fermion model and the two-dimensional toric code, we demonstrate that EntanCl can successfully separate ground states from excited states with high computational efficiency. Being independent of a Hamiltonian and associated energy estimates, EntanCl offers a new paradigm for addressing quantum many-body wave functions in a computationally efficient manner. © 2021 authors. Published by the American Physical Society.