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Deconfined metal-insulator transitions in quantum Hall bilayers

Cornell Affiliated Author(s)


L. Zou
Debanjan Chowdhury


We propose that quantum Hall bilayers in the presence of a periodic potential at the scale of the magnetic length can host examples of a deconfined metal-insulator transition (DMIT), where a Fermi-liquid (FL) metal with a generic electronic Fermi surface evolves into a gapped insulator (or an insulator with Goldstone modes) through a continuous quantum phase transition. The transition can be accessed by tuning a single parameter, and its universal critical properties can be understood using a controlled framework. At the transition, the two layers are effectively decoupled, where each layer undergoes a continuous transition from a FL to a generalized composite Fermi liquid (gCFL). The thermodynamic and transport properties of the gCFL are similar to the usual CFL, while its spectral properties are qualitatively different. The FL-gCFL quantum critical point hosts a sharply defined Fermi surface without long-lived electronic quasiparticles. Immediately across the transition, the two layers of gCFL are unstable to forming an insulating phase. We discuss the topological properties of the insulator and various observable signatures associated with the DMIT. © 2020 authors. Published by the American Physical Society. Published by the American Physical Society under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license. Further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the published article's title, journal citation, and DOI.

Date Published


Physical Review Research








Group (Lab)

Debanjan Chowdhury Group

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