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Spin-Orbit-Torque Material Exploration for Maximum Array-Level Read/Write Performance

Cornell Affiliated Author(s)


Yu-Ching Liao
Piyush Kumar
Mahendra DC
Xiang Li
Delin Zhang
Jian-Ping Wang
Shan Wang
Daniel Ralph
A. Naeemi


A diverse set of SOT materials with vastly different values of spin efficiency, conductivity, and thickness are being explored to achieve the lowest write energy. Research on SOT-assisted STT-MRAM and novel materials for the switching of magnets with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy (PMA) is also ongoing. This paper presents a comprehensive study on the impact of material parameters on array-level read and write operations for both in-plane and PMA MRAM cells. The results offer important guidelines for material development for this technology. © 2020 IEEE.

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