Generic "unnecessary" quantum critical points with minimal degrees of freedom
We explore generic "unnecessary" quantum critical points with minimal degrees of freedom. These quantum critical points can be avoided with strong enough symmetry-allowed deformations of the Hamiltonian, but these deformations are irrelevant perturbations below certain threshold at the quantum critical point. These quantum critical points are hence unnecessary, but also unfine-tuned (generic). The previously known examples of such generic unnecessary quantum critical points involve at least eight Dirac fermions in both two and three spatial dimensions. In this work we seek for examples of generic unnecessary quantum critical points with minimal degrees of freedom. In particular, in three-dimensional space, we identify two examples of such generic unnecessary quantum critical points. The first example occurs in a 3d interacting topological insulator, and it is described by two (3+1)d massless Dirac fermions in the infrared limit; the second example occurs in a 3d topological superconductor, and it is formally described by only one (3+1)d massless Dirac fermion. © 2020 American Physical Society.