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John Hopfield, Ph.D. ’58, has received the 2024 Nobel Prize in physics.
The latest addition of microscale robotics at Cornell is a robot less than 1 millimeter in size that is printed as a 2D hexagonal “metasheet” but, with a jolt of electricity, morphs into preprogrammed 3D shapes and crawls.
With pulses of sound through tiny speakers, Cornell physics researchers have clarified the basic nature of a new superconductor.Since it was found to be a superconductor about five years ago, uranium ditelluride has created a lot of buzz in the quantum materials community – and a lot of confusion, with more than a dozen theories about the true nature of its superconducting properties. Some suggested valuable possibilities for quantum computing.

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Order from Disorder: Designing Sequence-Programmable Protein Condensates

Nonlinear Hall Effect from Spin-Valley Locking and Nonreciprocal Hall Effect via Asymmetric Scattering at Room Temperature

Spring 2025 Bethe Lecture Series- LASSP Special Seminar:

Professor Shahal Ilani, Department of Condensed Matter Physics, Weizmann Institute of Science

Title: What Is the Ultimate Conductance of Hydrodynamic Electrons?
